No free health insurance abroad

No free health insurance abroad / Health News

Health insurance companies are no longer allowed to offer free private health insurance abroad


From 2013, statutory health insurance companies are no longer allowed to offer free private health insurance abroad. This has been decided by the Federal Insurance Office.

Free private health insurance abroad is part of extra services
While many statutory health insurance funds have abolished their additional contributions this year, they are now trying to attract attractive good benefits. The German BKK offers, for example, the free health insurance abroad, which is considered an extra service.
The Federal Insurance Office has now put a stop to such extra services. A private health insurance abroad goes beyond the powers of the statutory health insurance. Cash patients are also insured abroad anyway. However, this health insurance cover applies only in EU countries or in countries with social agreements. In addition, only the benefits are covered by the health insurance abroad, which fall into the statutory health insurance in Germany. Private services are not included.

International health insurance via private providers
However, members of the statutory health insurance funds still have the option of concluding a travel health insurance via a private provider. The statutory funds often act as mediators. Cash patients thus receive a foreign health insurance for one year for small contributions.

It is important that the insured submit a detailed invoice after treatment abroad. Expert Michael Zaubzer explains: „Often, only medical treatment is on the bill.“ This is often not enough for reimbursement. On demand, it would turn out in many cases that X-rays or blood tests were made, which are more expensive. Therefore, the insured person should always present himself a list of the services used. (Ag)

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Picture: Ronny Richert