No all-clear for cancer risk from aces

No all-clear for cancer risk from aces / Health News

Study found no association between cancer accumulation and nuclear stock Asse


Increased rates of new leukemia in the vicinity of the Asse nuclear bombardment have caused great concern among the population, state government and environmental organizations. A study on behalf of the district Wolfenbüttel came to the conclusion that „There is no clear indication of an increased risk of cancer due to increased radiation exposure“. The opposition criticizes the study. A high informative value is not given, from "all-clear no speech".

In 2010, an evaluation of the Epidemiological Cancer Registry of Lower Saxony (EKN) caused great uncertainty. The experts had identified a significantly increased number of cancers - especially leukemia in men and thyroid cancer in women - in the environment of the former salt mine Asse. Then the district Wolfenbüttel initiated a study of cancer cases in the 10,000 inhabitants of the integrated municipality of Asse. Two years later, the first results have now been determined. „A direct connection with the repository could not be determined“, is now the key message of the study. At the presentation of the evaluation, however, the district administrator Jörg Röhmann (SPD) made clear that he had hoped for much more data. Therefore, be the „Significance of the study severely limited“. Nevertheless, the study results would provide for a first all-clear in aces.

Cancer cases heaped up around velvet municipality of Asse
The scientists evaluated the data of the cancer registry of the state of Lower Saxony from 2002 to 2010. It turned out that about two people in Asse new to leukemia per year. In the nationwide comparison occurs among 10,000 people, however, only one blood cancer disease. The number of new cases of thyroid cancer was three times higher than the national average. Why that is so, the experts could not explain.

Nevertheless, the results would be positive. "We can still give the all-clear for the aces, because the employees of the repository are not affected," emphasized Röhmann. According to current knowledge, only one employee of 800 employees of the repository suffered from leukemia between 1967 and 2008. This resulted in an analysis of the cancer registry and interviews with employees of the aces.

"No mention of the all-clear"
The all-clear can be no question, criticize the Greens in the parliament. There is „no reason for a hasty all-clear“. Part of the Asse scandal is the „absolutely poor data“, said the group leader Stefan Wenzel. The Green politician demanded that operators of nuclear facilities are required by law to create state-controlled directories on possibly occupational diseases of their employees.

The left also expressed sharp criticism. Victor Perli, Deputy Chairman of the Left in the Parliament and a member of the local Aces II Monitoring Group said: „The study only examined whether conclusions could be drawn from the medical data on the nuclear waste storage facility. District Administrator Röhmann has pointed out that the significance of this data is severely limited. In the same breath he gives an all-clear on the dangers of released radioactivity - that is dubious to the population. We do not need calming pills but a reversal of the burden of proof: the AseS operators have to prove that the desolate nuclear waste dump is not the cause of the diseases. It has been known for years that radioactive substances are released by the exhaust air of the aces. This is several times higher in the aces than in a nuclear power plant.”

In 2010, 152 cancer patients had reported to the authorities according to media reports. They were asked questions about their occupation, place of residence and cancer risks such as smoking. The questionnaire action covered all types of cancer. Leukemia and thyroid cancer were particularly noted by the researcher. Both cancers are suspected to be triggered by increased radiation exposure.

Insufficient number of participants of cancer patients
Of the 152 participants, 40 came directly from the integrated municipality of Asse. Eight of them suffered from leukemia and six from thyroid cancer. Since 2002, 47 new cases of leukemia and thyroid cancer have been recorded in the National Registry. "We had expected all 47 affected people to report," said Dorothea von Nicolai of the Wolfenbüttel public health office. But only a third of those affected reported. The minimal information from the registry, gender, age and zip code, could not contribute much to the research of the causes.

From the first of January 2013, however, the new cancer registry law should enter into force. Then there is an extended obligation to register. So far, only pathologists could report a cancer, from the coming year, doctors will report cancer cases. (Sb)

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