No stress for Christmas

No stress for Christmas / Health News

DAK study: The majority does not experience Christmas as stress

According to a survey by the health insurance DAK German families are not stressed in the run-up to Christmas. Three quarters of respondents experience relaxed holidays.

Christmas is coming, many are now rushing to buy gifts, looking for Christmas recipes, baking cookies and planning Christmas parties for the family and the company. Many people experience just those days before Christmas as stress, one could certainly accept. But according to a survey of the DAK exactly the opposite is the case. Most families manage to tackle the hustle and bustle of Christmas relatively relaxed. 77 percent of the Germans said they are currently experiencing relaxed days despite numerous tasks.

Family fathers (81 percent) and parents with children under the age of six (81 percent) were particularly relaxed. Overall, more mothers reported suffering in the pre-Christmas period under stress (18 percent, fathers 11 percent). Even parents with children between the ages of 13 and 19 are more likely to suffer from stress.

For all others, the DAK psychologist Frank Meiners gives a good piece of advice: „Treat yourself to something during this time and also make time for yourself. Even Christmas preparations can be a good way to switch off.“ The polling institute „Forsa“ carried out a representative survey of 1,000 parents of children under the age of 18 for the health insurance company throughout Germany. (sb, 07.12.2010)