No food after a Kieferbeträubung
Before eating, the pine stun must be gone
Dentist patients should not eat anything after a treatment with anesthesia and refrain from hot drinks, as long as the anesthesia has completely subsided, the experts urge the initiative "ProDente". Otherwise there is a high risk to health.
The Kieferbeträubung must be before eating or hot drinks necessarily over, so there is no risk of injury to patients, so the statement of the dentist Joachim Hoffmann of the proDente initiative in Cologne to the news agency „dpa“. It may be necessary for the dentist's patient to last a few hours without food before the anesthesia has subsided completely.
Risk of injury and burns
Patients should always take this time, however, as there is a risk of biting the anesthetized lip or cheek while the jaw is still in place, without noticing it. In hot drinks and meals, the patient could also contract burns in the mouth and throat, warned the dentist Joachim Hoffmann. According to the expert, depending on the type and severity of the dental treatment, the effect of the anesthetic injection will be less than half an hour or even several hours after the treatment. More detailed information can be obtained from the patient at the treating dentist.
Different stunning methods for dental treatment
According to the porDente e.V. initiative, around 52 million local anesthetics are given in Germany as part of a dental treatment. For every kind of dental treatment - from restorations of fillings to teeth grinding for crowns or teeth extraction to implant insertion - modern local anesthetics (local anesthetics) are now available, according to the proDente initiative. Which anesthetic is used depends on the particular procedure. Basically, according to the experts, several different anesthesia procedures are available. For example, in infiltration anesthesia, an anesthetic is injected directly below the mucosa at the level of the root of the tooth, causing the nerves of one to two teeth to be anesthetized after about one to three minutes. For the treatment of „one or more molars in the lower jaw“ recommends a line anesthesia when needed after anesthesia, where the dentist injects an anesthetic in the vicinity of the lower jaw, according to the statement porDente. In this way, the entire nerve cable is stunned on one half of the jaw, which can also cause a numbness in the lower lip and the corresponding half of the tongue.
Anesthesia of individual teeth and surface anesthesia
It is also possible for the dentists to numb individual teeth with the aid of so-called intraligamentary anesthesia, if the patients wish for an appropriate narcosis. It is about the very thin needle of a special „pressure sprayer“ injected the anesthetic directly between the tooth and gum or tooth bone, according to the statement proDente. The so-called surface anesthesia is used according to the experts in dentistry regularly used, this is usually used as a spray to avoid the puncture pain of the subsequent anesthetic sprays. Although this type of local anesthesia is not sufficient for a dental treatment, in children and especially sensitive patients, the puncture pain of the subsequent injection can be circumvented in this way, so that „the anesthetic almost completely painless for her“ is, explains the proDente e.V initiative on its website. (Fp)
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