Germs on child station hotlines set up

Germs on child station hotlines set up / Health News

Children's Hospital offers help for concerned parents


The Düsseldorf "Florence Nightingale" hospital has set up a hotline for worried parents. Now that an increase in vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) has been detected at the pediatric intensive care unit, relatives can now turn to the pediatric clinic for questions and uncertainties.

Children's Hospital can be reached under the number 0211 409 3555
Since the report on the dangerous intestinal germs on the children's intensive care unit of the "Florence Nightingale" hospital in Dusseldorf-Kaiserswerth many parents are unsure. For this reason, the clinic has now set up a hotline where anxious relatives can receive information. This is achieved on weekdays from 9 to 12 clock and from 14 to 16 clock on the phone 0211 409 3555, the message on the website of the hospital. People calling outside these hours could leave their name and phone number on an answering machine and then be recalled by the Children's Hospital.

Further spread of the germs could be avoided
Earlier this week, it became known that since early March on the Kinderintensivstationbei heaped so-called „Vancomycin-resistant enterococci“ („VRE germs“) were detected. These are intestinal bacteria, which are counted among the multidrug-resistant pathogens and can be life-threatening in weakened humans or premature babies.

„In total, 13 premature babies were affected since 5 March. Eleven children are settled. Two children had an infection and were treated with antibiotics, resulting in stabilization of the patients“, so the chief physician neonatology and Padiätrische intensive care of the clinic, Dr. med. Mountain homes. There is a further spread of the germ in the premature infants ward „through consistent hospital hygiene measures and regular examinations of patients“ can be avoided, the information of the hospital continues.

As a result, six children have already been released, but five babies would still be in inpatient care. Currently looking for the cause of the germs. „We deeply regret that the children's intensive care unit of the Florence Nightingale Hospital has spread AER germs and take the fears and worries of all parents, including those of the non-colonized preemies, very seriously and are always available for discussions“, so Dr. Holger Stiller, hospital director and director of Kaiserswerther Diakonie. (No)

> Image: Sebastian Karkus