Chewing gum chewing for healthy teeth in old age

Chewing gum chewing for healthy teeth in old age / Health News

Chewing gum promotes dental health in old age


Chewing gum has a positive effect on dental health, especially in old age. This reports the news channel "ntv" with reference to a recommendation of the proDente initiative in Cologne. Thus, chewing gum chewing can prevent a dry mouth, neutralize acids, and also balance mineral losses in the enamel.

Sugar-free "chewing gum can be reassured as a dentist. They stimulate saliva production, "reports proDente expert and dentist Joachim Hoffmann on the initiative's website. The stimulation of salivation, according to proDente, helps to keep teeth and gums healthy.

Positive effect of saliva on dental health
With increasing age, people are less likely to notice their thirst, which in addition to threatening health problems due to possible lack of fluid also means that they often have a dry mouth. Among other things, this is a disadvantage for the dental health, because calcium is extracted from the teeth with every intake of food. This mineral loss of the enamel can be compensated by the calcium ions in the saliva again. The saliva virtually helps to remineralize the teeth after eating. In addition, saliva has antibacterial and neutralizes harmful acids in the mouth. If the mouth is dry, these protective effects will not work. Therefore, chewing gum exerts a very positive effect on the stimulation of salivation. In addition, so-called Zahnpflegekaugummis usually contain xylitol, which also has an inhibitory effect on caries relevant bacteria.

Dental care gums as a supplement to dental hygiene
Dental care gum is clearly beneficial to dental health, but it "only supplements daily brushing and does not replace it", according to the ProDente initiative. In addition, other simple measures to avoid a dry mouth to recommend. Fruits and vegetables with a high water content, drink two liters per day and from the age of 60 always place a bottle of non-carbonated water visible and ready to drink. Drink a glass of water before each meal and if possible, avoid sugar in foods. Those who are not completely free from sugar should, according to the experts, strike better once a day and, for example, eat a piece of cake instead of consuming smaller amounts of chocolate throughout the day. According to the dentists, seniors should also pay attention to the hidden sugar in food. A look at the list of ingredients can never hurt here. Fruit juices should be drunk according to the ProDente only diluted.

Bite-firm food recommended
In addition to the salivation, proper chewing and biting is essential for dental health, according to proDente. Older people will therefore be advised to exercise their chewing performance. Especially firm fruit and vegetables, cheese or wholegrain bread are recommended here. According to proDente's experts, senior citizens tend to eat soft foods such as white bread, cooked vegetables or puree because of their existing dental problems, but such foods are a good food source for bacteria in the mouth. (Fp)

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