Potato dishes are best prepared with eggs
Diet: Potatoes contain high-quality protein
"Potatoes are best prepared in combination with eggs, as the Bavarian Farmers Association points out, since potatoes contain high-quality protein, so stir-fried or fried eggs help the body to optimally utilize the valuable protein," states the association.
Protein in the potato is used optimally in combination with egg dishes by the body
Potatoes are among the most popular vegetables in Germany. The tuber contains not only vitamin C, which provides an important support for the immune system, especially in the cold season, but also the minerals calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. In addition, particularly high-quality protein is one of the ingredients of the potato. „Even if the protein content is low in itself, it is especially valuable for humans. If potatoes are supplemented with eggs, for example, the protein can be better utilized by the body“, informs the Bavarian Farmers Association.
Potatoes contain about 68 kilocalories and are therefore considered a light meal, as long as they are boiled or steamed. The preparation in the pressure cooker is particularly gentle, so that the vitamins are preserved. Deep-fried or fried in plenty of fat, however, the tubers quickly become an unhealthy calorie bomb. (Ag)
Image: Carina Lauer