Potato of the Year 2015 The heather
„Heideniere“ voted Potato of the Year 2015
The „Heideniere“ is to „Potato of the year“ Been elected in 2015. This was announced by the Bundestag member and chair of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Consumer Protection, Renate Künast, on Friday. Potatoes are considered a fad in many people - wrongly.
Especially good tasting variety
On Friday Renate Künast, member of the Bundestag and chairman of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Consumer Protection, announced in Nuremberg that the „Heideniere“ to „Potato of the year“ 2015 has been elected. A press release states that the „Heideniere“ a particularly good tasting, Lower Saxon variety, which was bred 60 years ago by potato farmers from Soltau. According to the information, it owes the name of its shape, which resembles the human organ.
„Heideniere“ had been forgotten
The deep yellow, firming „Heideniere“ was approved in 1953 and was among other things praised as particularly suitable for salads. However, then had special varieties compared to the bulk potatoes barely a chance and so could the „Heideniere“ not prevail in the market. The fate of this strain seemed initially sealed, but remained in East German genebanks the „Heideniere“ so that they could be grown again from the mid-1990s.
Potatoes are unjustly called a fad
The award „Potato of the year“ has been awarded since 2006. Among other things, it should be pointed to the variety of potato varieties. Last year, the granola was awarded. Potatoes are in some people - wrongly - frowned upon as a fad. The calorie content of the tuber fruit is moderate. The proportion of protein contained is low, but particularly high quality. In addition, the tuber has a significant amount of B and C vitamins. Also included are various minerals and trace elements.
Blue potatoes lower the blood pressure
The health benefits of potatoes have even been scientifically proven. For example, several years ago researchers from Scranton University, Pennsylvania, found that blue potatoes sustainably lower blood pressure. This had been shown in a study in which the subjects suffered from high blood pressure. As long as you do not consume potatoes exclusively in the form of French fries, chips or other types of preparation that contain a lot of fat, the tuber fruit is an important ingredient for a varied and healthy diet. Ideas for delicious potato recipes can be found on the internet. (Ad)
Image: Carina Lauer