Cardiologist cardiac arrhythmia - Is sports therapeutically useful or dangerous?

Cardiologist cardiac arrhythmia - Is sports therapeutically useful or dangerous? / Health News

Sport can help with cardiac arrhythmias - but caution is needed

The German Society of Cardiology (DGK) reports that people who suffer from cardiac arrhythmias do not necessarily have to do without exercise. Experts advise cardiac patients, after extensive cardiological examination, to do sport to the correct extent and with precise guidance in order to achieve health-promoting effects.

Prof. Peter Seizer, rhythmologist and cardiologist at the University Hospital Tübingen, reports at the DGK Heart Days, which will take place in Berlin from October 12 to 14, whereupon patients with cardiac arrhythmias have to pay attention when they want to exercise. Although caution is required, a complete renunciation is not necessary.

Sports under close watch may help patients with cardiac arrhythmias. (Image: contrastwerkstatt /

Not every patient is the same

According to Prof. Seizer, it depends on the exact form of cardiac arrhythmia to what extent exercise or physical activity is conducive to the health of the patient. Examinations with ECG, 24-hour ECG, and additional echocardiography if needed can provide estimates. "Recreational athletes should be cardiologically examined, especially if they suspect that they have a heart rhythm disorder. This means that they have either already felt symptoms or there are people with this disease in their family, "explains Prof. Seizer. The majority of cardiac arrhythmia of recreational athletes is unpleasant, but relatively harmless.

Avoid dangerous sports

Cardiac arrhythmia is usually harmless, with no additional disease, or if the disorder occurs only at the atrial level, explains Prof Seizer. Such disorders can occur in athletes of any sport and regardless of the age of the athlete. However, special care should be taken in sports where impaired consciousness caused by cardiac arrhythmia can have fatal consequences, such as climbing, diving, skiing, cycling, horse riding or motorcycling.

Take symptoms seriously

The expert reports that the patients already have alarm signals before the first occurrence of cardiac arrhythmias. These are too often neglected or ignored. "Especially men do not admit the symptoms or believe that they have just overused themselves. But you should definitely be examined, "warns Prof. Seizer. It is particularly dangerous if ambitious amateur athletes with a serious unrecognized heart disease run a competitive sport, such as playing football. Because then they often try to get the last out of themselves and go beyond their limits.

Sport as a therapy

Prof. Dr. Frank Edelmann continues to report at the DGK-Herztagen: "Sport and physical activity are also essential components in the prevention and treatment of chronic heart failure". Thus, physical activity may be an essential part to reduce the incidence of heart failure by up to 50 percent. "Even if it comes to a heart failure, this may be milder with previously active," says Prof. Edelmann. In patients with heart failure, two to three sessions per week would have an important effect on the prognosis. In addition, after a short time the performance weakness and the quality of life can be significantly improved. Even important comorbidities such as diabetes can be better treated or adjusted with the help of a physical training, explains the physician. (Fp)