Can noise promote creativity?

Can noise promote creativity? / Health News

Noise can boost creativity


Noise makes you sick and disturbs your concentration. After a survey on behalf of the Techniker Krankenkasse he was also found as a stress trigger. But scientists now realized that it can also bring about positive things.

Not too quiet and not too loud
A study by the University of Chicago has found that even background noise has a positive impact on creativity. People who are exposed to a noise level of around 70 decibels have the best ideas. That's about the noise level in a busy café. At higher noise levels of more than 85 decibels, creativity drops significantly. The research also indicates that it should not be too quiet, since a quiet environment also affects creative ideas.

Virtual Café sounds
The next thoughts on your own further projects in life should therefore not take place in the quiet little room, but best with a delicious drink in a nice cafe. If there is no suitable nearby or the time is missing, a visit to "" offers. On this page there are the background sounds of a café from the canning.

Noise increases cardiovascular risk
Several other studies have concluded that persistent noise increases the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. Above all, sleep disturbances caused by noise showed a particularly harmful effect in the investigations. So Experts believe that already 85 decibels seem harmful. (Ad)

Also read:
ADHD: concentration through noise
Increased cardiovascular risk due to noise

Image: Benjamin Thorn