Can the flu cause a serious heart attack?

Can the flu cause a serious heart attack? / Health News
Can influenza cause a heart attack?
The physical strain of influenza can apparently trigger a heart attack. According to a case-control study, the risk of disease increases 6-fold in the first week of influenza. Especially dangerous are infections with type B influenza viruses. But also other triggers of acute respiratory tract infections could be confirmed as triggers.

Fever and body aches are the main symptoms of flu. A study shows that flu can even trigger an infarction. Picture: Elnur - fotolia

For the study, data from 11 laboratories were evaluated by Public Health Ontario, the highest health authority in the Canadian province. In the years 2009 to 2014, they had performed nearly 150,000 influenza tests, of which 19,729 were positive.

The study authors analyzed that 344 of these patients were treated in the year before or after influenza for a heart attack in a clinic. In a case-control study, the researchers examined whether heart attacks had occurred near the time of the influenza test.

This was clearly given for the first 7 days after the positive laboratory finding of influenza. After the 7th day, no increased incidence was observed.

People with probably very severe flu were therefore at an increased risk of an acute heart attack. Particularly at risk are older people. Influenza B is more dangerous than influenza A. In addition, the risk of having a first heart attack is higher than in people who have previously suffered a heart attack.

The researchers also showed that other severe respiratory infections trigger a heart attack. The scientists assume that the heart attack is probably not a direct result of influenza. They attribute the increased risk of heart attack to physical exertion or other systemic consequences of the disease. Source: Ärzteblatt. The study can be found here.