Fight against skin cancer UV index is said in weather reports

Fight against skin cancer UV index is said in weather reports / Health News
German Cancer Aid calls for UV index for weather reports
The German Cancer Aid demands that in the warm season in weather reports, the strength of the UV radiation should be pointed out. Increased UV radiation increases the risk of sunburn and increases the risk of skin cancer.

In the weather report should be reported on UV index
In the fight against skin cancer, the German Cancer Aid has called in the warm season in weather reports to point out the strength of UV radiation. The citizens could be sensitized in this way, "that in the summer, even in cloudy skies quite a high UV radiation intensity may be present," said the chairman of the Cancer Aid, Gerd Nettekoven, compared to the "New Osnabrücker Zeitung" (NOZ). From April to September, the UV index should be an integral part of all weather reports.

According to the dermatologists, the weather report should in future be accompanied by a UV light index. (Image: the_builder /

Skin cancer risk due to sunburn
Increased UV radiation increases the risk of getting sunburned. And that, in turn, increases the risk of skin cancer. Each individual sunburn is added to the own skin account. According to Nettekoven, the Germans still "pay too little attention to basic UV protection", especially during their free time and on vacation. Therefore, sunburns are not uncommon. This is particularly worrying among young people, since the subsequent skin cancer risk is already decisively influenced in childhood and adolescence. Health experts therefore point out again and again that you have to protect yourself from the age of the sun. Even the right sunscreen for babies is important.

Tan is considered a beauty ideal
Nettekoven also pointed out in the NOZ that tanning is unfortunately still regarded by many people as a beauty ideal or even as an indicator of health. "This assessment is wrong, however," said the head of the German Cancer Aid. Even dermatologists have pointed out in the past that tan is never healthy. Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in Germany. According to the report, Deutsche Krebshilfe expects that this year alone 264,000 people will contract skin cancer, including more than 30,000 for dangerous malignant melanoma. (Ad)