Fight against ambrosia plants

Fight against ambrosia plants / Health News

Fight against ambrosia plants.

(07.09.2010) The world's strongest allergy plant Ambrosia is spreading more and more in Germany. The Ambrosia triggers in allergic persons very strong symptoms such as cough, breathlessness, runny nose and skin reactions. The state of Brandenburg has now announced the ambrosia the fight.

After Berlin, farmers and private individuals of the pollen plant have now also announced a fight - especially the region in Lower Lusatia has become a plague, said Regine Baeker, anti-Ambrosia coordinator in the Potsdam Consumer Protection Ministry. The Ambrosia occurs in Brandenburg above all in the regions Drebkau (Spree-Neiße) and recently in Cottbus and in the Spreewald. The federal states of Berlin-Brandenburg are currently working on a map that shows where most ragweed plants are. The Ministry of Consumer Protection has published an information leaflet containing all the important information on the dangers and the removal of ambrosia. The leaflet can be downloaded here.

The ragweed plants are said to be torn out together with the root before their flowering begins in late July. Because a single Ambrosiapflanze is able to secrete almost one billion allergenic pollen grains and which can spread over the wind partly up to 100 kilometers from their place of origin. The reason for the rapid production of ambrosia is also the climate warming and human interference in the natural vegetation. (Sb)

Continue reading on Ambrosia:
The Ambrosia is the world's strongest pollen allergen and causes severe health problems in allergy sufferers. Now it's time to fight back on the plants in the gardens ...
Ambrosia: World's strongest pollen allergen
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Image: Oliver Haja