Calcium supplements increase the colorectal cancer risk

Calcium supplements increase the colorectal cancer risk / Health News

Calcium supplements can increase the risk of intestinal polyps

Colon cancer usually develops through intestinal polyps, ie benign growths. In a study it has now been shown that dietary supplements with calcium can increase the risk of such polyps apparently.

Early detection can save lives

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in Germany. Every year around 26,000 people die in this country. The chances of recovery depend heavily on how early the cancer and its precursors are discovered. Intestinal polyps are considered cancer precursors. Researchers from the US have now found that dietary supplements with calcium can increase the risk of such polyps.

A study by American researchers provided evidence that calcium supplements increase the risk for intestinal polyps. From these growths can develop colon cancer.
(Image: Alex /

Colon cancer can be caused by intestinal polyps

A colonoscopy (coloscopy) offers the opportunity to detect colon cancer and its precursors early.

"Colon cancer usually develops through intestinal polyps, ie benign growths. Preventive colonoscopy makes it possible to detect and remove such polyps so that they do not develop into a malignant tumor, "said the internist and gastroenterologist Dr. med. med. Anette Othmer in a conversation with "Heilpraxisnet".

According to health experts, intestinal polyps can develop in certain diseases, but also without obvious cause.

However, a recent study by researchers from the University of North Carolina (USA) has shown that "calcium supplements taken with or without vitamin D can also increase the risk of small polyps in the gut," states a statement the "University of North Carolina School of Medicine".

The study results were recently published in the journal "Gut".

Serrated intestinal polyps are more dangerous

Polyps come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with serrated polyps becoming cancerous rather than conventional polyps. In previous studies, there was evidence that calcium and vitamin D could protect against serrated polyps, but the results were inconsistent.

Physicians led by Seth D. Crockett of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill now wanted to find out if taking calcium and vitamin D daily reduces the risk of serrated polyps.

They analyzed results from a large US study involving over 2,000 patients aged 45 to 75 who had at least one jagged polyp discovered and removed - and had a follow-up (colonoscopy) within three to five years.

Individuals whose families had already had colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, or other serious health conditions were excluded from the study.

The remaining subjects were randomly divided into groups who received either daily calcium supplementation, vitamin D supplementation, both or none until their colonoscopy in three to five years.

The effect was only apparent after years

During the treatment phase, the scientists found no effect of calcium or vitamin D on serrated polyps.

However, at the later observation period (six to ten years after initiation of treatment), the researchers noted an increased risk of serrated polyps in patients taking calcium only and those taking a combination of calcium and vitamin D..

Women and smokers were at greater risk when taking calcium supplements. However, no association was found between vitamin D alone and the risk of serrated polyps.

The results suggest an association only with calcium supplements, not dietary calcium.

Certain people should abstain from supplementing food better

"The results of this study were somewhat unexpected," said Crockett. But: "It is important to put these results in the right perspective and not sound an alarm," says the study author.

"Calcium and vitamin D supplements are used by many people and have some positive effects on bone health," the scientist explained.

"Many people take low doses of calcium with multivitamin tablets (lower doses than those used in our study) that are not likely to be harmful," said Crockett.

The now discovered possible connection between the intake of calcium supplements and the development of intestinal polyps does not necessarily negate the other benefits of this dietary supplement.

The study authors recommend further studies to confirm their findings. In the meantime, they advise patients who have ever had jagged polyps, especially women and smokers, who tend to avoid supplementing with calcium. (Ad)