Cold Feet A winter time problem

Cold Feet A winter time problem / Health News

Cold feet - a problem of the winter time: In the cold season, many people, especially women, complain of cold feet. Experts give tips about causes and possibilities of self-treatment.

Wolfgang Wesiack, President of the Professional Association of German Internists, points out that cold feet are a normal regulation of our organism: "When it is cold outside, the body has to keep up its core temperature".

This means that the symptoms are not normal but normal. This feature is called thermoregulation. It is necessary for the organism to maintain the core temperature in an external cold so as to maintain and ensure vital functions. The blood supply to the extremities (arms and legs) is reduced by contracting the local blood vessels and ensuring the supply of the organs. But you can also train this regulation: Through hot-cold foot baths or general alternating baths and sauna visits, one can harden the body a little and make it more forgiving. Of course this has to happen in the long run and does not change in short periods of time.

In natural healing, cherries and spelled pillows for local application are recommended as heat pads. The cores store the heat and release it slowly and very deeply. Also warm teas and thick wool socks are very advisable. It should be clarified that these are not changes in the vessels or nerves due to diseases such as arteriosclerosis or polyneuropathy.

Thorsten Fischer, non-medical practitioner from Hanover with focus on osteopathy, told Heilpraxisnet to consider that there are other factors: "The vessels run between the muscles in the fascia, the connecting connective tissue.If it comes to mechanical limitations due to bonding, is an impairment the vascular supply conceivable. " Here, manual procedures such as osteopathy or Rolfing are indicated, which can restore optimal care by loosening the connective tissue. (sb 27.01.2010)