Burn calories with aqua training

Burn calories with aqua training / Health News

Burning calories: Aqua training is also suitable for overweight people

Aqua-Training also offers the Federation of Independent Physiotherapists (IFK) to overweight women and men, the opportunity to move properly, without burdening the joints and the cardiovascular system too much. The body burns even more calories than other endurance training.

High calorie and energy consumption through Aqua Training
For people with a strong overweight (obesity), sport is usually a torture. Because quickly a high body weight leads to a high and excessive stress on the joints. The cardiovascular system is too much strained in obese by endurance sports such as jogging. A good alternative is aqua-training, as informed by the Federal Association of Independent Physiotherapists (IFK). Not only the whole body is trained, but also the calories tumble. Especially for overweight, this sport is suitable because it protects the heart and joints. „The water resistance ensures a high energy consumption, while the movements by the buoyancy heart and joint are gentle“, explains Ute Repschläger from the IFK. „It consumes a lot of energy because it trains in all directions against water resistance.“ The blood vessels are supplied with more blood in the water, since they are then exposed to a higher pressure. This will strengthen the cardiovascular system, explains the expert.

As the IFK informs, Aqua-Training is also more effective than other endurance sports. Reason is the thermal conductivity in the water, which boosts calorie consumption. The body consumes about 400 calories in 30 minutes, as he must increase against a cooling at a water temperature of 28 and 31 degrees, his metabolism. When jogging the body consumes only about 300 calories in comparison.

Aqua training also motivates obese people to participate
Aqua training can be different „training equipment“ be used. These include, for example, aqua noodles, swimming boards, buoyancy belts, aquajogging gloves, dumbbells and trampolines. Frequently music is used. This ensures a good mood and motivates the participants. Obese people in particular do not find it easy in sports clubs and fitness studios and often shy away from practicing sports regularly due to the excess kilos. In aqua training, they find like-minded people in the classes so they enjoy the movement and are active on a regular basis. (Ag)

Image: Stephanie Hofschlaeger