Prickly pears A sweet vitamin C donor

Prickly pears A sweet vitamin C donor / Health News

Prickly Pears: A sweet vitamin C donor


The occurring in tropical and subtropical prickly pear fig is now also found in some German supermarkets. The prickly fruit is not only delicious, but also very healthy. Especially B vitamins and vitamin C are abundant in it.

Vitamins of the B group and vitamin C.
The prickly pear is visually reminiscent of a yam of sweet potato and prickly mango, tastes it comes closest to a pear. The fruits contain at seven to ten percent, although plenty of sugar, but also many vitamins of the B group and vitamin C. In addition, they are rich in fiber. As the consumer information agency aid explained in a news agency dpa news, especially ripe fruits contain a lot of vitamin C. It is best to halve the fruit lengthways and simply spoon it like a kiwi.

Handle fruits with gloves
Prickly pears should rather be handled with kitchen gloves, because the shell is often adorned with fine thorns. One may eat the small black kernels in the watery pulp. This can also stimulate digestion. Those who do not like it can sweep the pulp through a sieve. Because the fruits do not ripen, soft specimens are the best choice. In this country, the fruits in the fruit department of supermarkets are also sometimes found under the name of prickly pear, cactus fruit or horse fig. (Ad)

Picture: Raphaela C. Näger