Cocoa against memory loss in old age

Cocoa against memory loss in old age / Health News

Study: Cocoa drink against forgetfulness


Researchers in the US found out in a new study that cocoa could help counteract age-related memory loss. Responsible for this are the flavonoids contained in cocoa beans. These may also contribute to reducing the risk of myocardial infarction, according to previous research.

Significantly improved memory performance
According to one study, a specially prepared cocoa drink could counteract age-related memory loss. As it is in the magazine „Nature Neuroscience“ According to published research, the flavonoids contained in cocoa beans are responsible for this. Accordingly, study participants whose drink contained large amounts of the phytochemical, a significantly improved memory, the news agency AFP reported. For the study, 37 healthy volunteers between the ages of 50 and 69 took a daily cocoa drink. The test subjects were given a different dose of flavonoids. One half received 900 milligrams per day, the other only ten milligrams.

60-year-old with memory of 30-year-olds
Subsequently, the scientists observed the blood volume in the so-called dentate gyrus, a part of the hippocampus brain region. The hippocampus plays an essential role in memory. As the researchers announced, was in the subject group with the flavonoid-rich drinks increased blood circulation found. They also performed much better during memory exercises. The author of the study, neurology professor Scott Small of Columbia University in New York, said about the group of 900-milligram study participants: „If a participant had the memory of a typical 60-year-old at the beginning of the study, after three months on average he had the memory of a 30- to 40-year-old.“ However, tests with larger groups of subjects are still needed to confirm these results.

Flavonoids also in different fruits and vegetables
Flavonoids are not only found in cocoa, but in different species and concentration in grapes, blueberries, apples and other fruits and in some vegetables and teas. Previous studies in mice have shown that cocoa flavonoids stimulate the performance of the dentate gyrus. As Small said on AFP request, this brain region is very similar in mice and humans. „I think our study proves for the first time that flavonoids improve the function of the human dentate gyrus.“ It is said that the study's findings are not related to diseases such as Alzheimer's, but to normal memory gaps, such as those that can occur from the age of 50, such as when you can not remember the names of new acquaintances.

Flavonoids concentration in chocolate too low
The flavonoids were extracted from cocoa beans for the study using a special procedure, as these ingredients are largely lost in normal processing. Study participant Small did not want to give any nutritional tips despite the positive results. „I certainly would not recommend eating more chocolate“, so the scientist. The concentration of flavonoids in chocolate is simply too low compared to the drinks given in the study. That also applies to other foods.

Bitter chocolate lowers disease risks
However, in other areas, the positive impact of chocolate on health has already been demonstrated. Various studies in the past have come to the conclusion that eating bitter chocolate may lower the risk of heart attack and stroke. In addition, scientists from Switzerland have found that bitter chocolate has an impact on the release of stress hormones and thus can protect against the negative health consequences of stress. (Ad)

Image: Timo Klostermeier