Cesarean section passed without anesthesia

Cesarean section passed without anesthesia / Health News

Massive pain and fear of death - 21-year-old undergoes caesarean section without anesthesia


Many women opt for a caesarean section rather than a natural birth because of the good predictability and the supposedly lower pain. The horror scenario, which has experienced a young woman from Berlin here, but many likely to stimulate thought again. Because according to the report of „image“-Newspaper did not work as intended for 21-year-old Lara T. She suffered severe pain and was traumatized by the procedure in such a way that her relationship to her own child is influenced by this, the newspaper said.

She cites the indictment of the case in which the patient is trying to obtain compensation for pain and the costs of therapy „image“-Newspaper, that the woman had to experience with full sense of pain, how they cut open, the muscles were torn apart and the child was taken out with his hands. A terrible experience, under which the young mother suffers until today. She claims to have been traumatized and the relationship with her newborn daughter was affected by the experiences from the beginning.

Actually, a normal birth was planned
Already in April, the process had happened, which was the disaster for Lara T. in the end. She had actually opted for a normal birth and received a spinal cord syringe for stunning. This was followed by complications, the young patient received additional painkillers and the doctors opted for a cesarean section, not least because of severe hemorrhages that required a timely delivery. But the anesthesia for the caesarean section apparently did not work and so the patient had to experience the procedure. The lawyer of the plaintiff described the behavior of the doctors as „inexplicable“.

Compensation and therapy
Due to the trauma suffered, the young mother demands a compensation of 25,000 euros. She also needed a therapy, not least because the relationship with her daughter Laycie May was massively influenced by the experience, Lara T. told the newspaper. The young woman „once wanted three children - not anymore“, so the sober conclusion of the „image“. (Fp)

Picture credits: Martin Büdenbender