Caesarean section networks grow for aftercare

Caesarean section networks grow for aftercare / Health News

Cesarean section: networks for aftercare and education grow: For the affected women, a caesarean section is not just a surgical procedure in the context of a birth. For many mothers, the caesarean section is a profound psychosomatic experience that involves them long after completing the birth process.

According to the Federal Statistical Office, since 1995 the number of cesarean deliveries has risen from 18 percent to almost 30 percent. This means that there are now almost 200,000 caesarean sections in Germany every year. Despite the increasing number and the more and more professional procedure in the execution of caesarean sections, observers complain that the education of the affected women about the procedure is often still quite intransparent and inadequate.

Medical is divided into a primary and a secondary cesarean section. The primary caesarean section is used before rupture and labor. Here it can be an indication of foreseeable complications, such as life-threatening situations for mother and / or child or a so-called „Caesarean delivery on maternal request“ act. Secondary cesarean delivery is performed after rupture of membranes or labor onset of labor, when it is foreseeable that delivery beyond the uterine outlet is no longer feasible. In recent years, the anesthetic and surgical procedures in the field of caesarean sections have evolved in the sense of a gentler and safer side effect. Therefore, the procedure as a medical intervention is considered to be quite harmless and harmless today. However, even though the physical impact of the procedure itself has been mitigated, the consequences of the experience and treatment are quite different for many mothers.

A GEK cesarean section study published in 2006 by Prof. Petra Kolip, of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Bielefeld and a member of the scientific advisory board of the Federal Center for Health Education (BzgA) showed that many mothers reported after the cesarean section had not been sufficiently informed in advance to be. Only about half of the women surveyed felt involved in the decision.

Even with the child, the caesarean section can have consequences such. As restlessness or symmetry disorders. The physical handicap of the mother in the first days and the unexperienced natural childbirth can lead to delayed development of the mother-child relationship.

New initiative in Hannover
In order to take this individual problem into account, more and more initiatives are being launched nationwide to advise mothers before and after a cesarean section. For example, the Kaiser interface in Hanover has made it its goal to accompany mothers and children after or before a caesarean section.

Ursula Hedermann, non-medical practitioner specializing in osteopathy and co-founder of the Kaiser interface Hannover describes to Heilpraxisnet the background for the initiative: „Through our own experiences and experiences with our patients, we have become aware that women often have the need for individual treatment after a cesarean section. That's why we wanted a network, one „interface“ various professionals from different disciplines to build. So women have a one-stop shop and can find contact persons according to their individual needs. In addition, we would like to discuss the issue of caesarean section and draw attention to any problems that may arise after a Caesarean section with lectures and advanced training for specialists.“

A pioneer and inspiration for others in this field is the doctor Karin Mikolitch from Dusseldorf. She is the founder of the Caesarean section network and gives seminars nationwide to sensitize and train working groups, especially in this area. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy, 07.03.2010)

Additional Information:

Caesarean network
Current course with Karin Mikolitch in Hannover