Cesarean deliveries more often with snoring

Cesarean deliveries more often with snoring / Health News

Cesarean rate increases in snoring pregnant women


Pregnant women who snore apparently release more often by caesarean section than those who do not snore. Babies of snoring pregnant women are often born with less weight.

Surprising results
The probability of oneCaesarean delivery is apparently higher for pregnant women who snore than for those who do not. To this surprising result came American researchers from the University of Michigan Health System. In the journal „Sleep“ they reported from their study, which examined 1,673 pregnant women between 2007 and 2010.

Babies are born prematurely and with less weight
Thus, expectant mothers who snore at least three times a week rather complications that would make a natural birth risky. In addition, the babies of chronic snorers have a two-thirds increased risk of being born prematurely and with a lower weight than the same old babies. In addition, the probability of a high-risk birth was highest in women who snored before and during pregnancy. Somewhat rarer is the problem of more frequent caesarean sections or premature births in women who only start to snore during pregnancy.

Oxygen levels in the blood drop
Experts estimate that around 840,000 women in Germany and more than 1.5 million men between the ages of 30 and 60 suffer from so-called obstructive sleep apnea. The key symptom of sleep apnea is snoring. In this condition, which is caused by respiratory arrest (apnea) during sleep, thereby reduce the oxygen content in the blood. Apparently this leads to a poorer development of the unborn child in pregnant women. (Ad)

Picture: Christian v. R.