Coffee Studies Italian coffee reduces the risk of prostate cancer in men

Coffee Studies Italian coffee reduces the risk of prostate cancer in men / Health News
Can protect specially prepared coffee from prostate cancer?
There are many studies showing the positive effects of coffee consumption on our health. Researchers have now discovered that consuming Italian coffee can significantly reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men.

Researchers at the Neuromed Institute in Pozzilli have found that consuming Italian coffee in men can significantly reduce the risk of prostate cancer. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "International Journal of Cancer".

Many men like to drink coffee because they like the taste. However, the consumption of coffee seems to add to the protective effect of prostate cancer. (Image:

Men can protect themselves from prostate cancer by consuming coffee
If you are male and like to drink Italian coffee, now there is good news for you. Consumption can reduce the likelihood that men get prostate cancer.

Three cups of Italian coffee a day reduces the risk of prostate cancer by 53 percent
For their study, the researchers examined a total of 7,000 Italian men. The researchers found that consuming three or more cups of Italian coffee a day can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 53 percent. But it is important that it is Italian-made coffee, explain the authors of the study.

The coffee must be specially prepared
Italian-prepared coffee is specially prepared and prepared. For the preparation of high pressure is used. In addition, a very high water temperature is needed and no filter is used, explains author Licia Iacoviello from the Neuromed Institute. Coffee is an integral part of the Italian lifestyle. This kind of lifestyle is defined not only by the individual foods, but also by the specific way these foods are prepared, adds Iacoviello.

Special preparation leads to higher concentration of bioactive substances
The scientists believe that the Italian method differs from other methods of preparation in the world, leading to a higher concentration of bioactive substances. Such substances can prevent the formation of prostate cancer cells, explain the experts.

Earlier evidence of prevention of prostate cancer from coffee consumption
There have already been a number of international studies on the effects of coffee, which have also found a positive impact on prostate cancer, explains author. George Pounis. The aim of the current study was to expand the knowledge in this area through the results.

Subjects were medically monitored for years
For the study, about seven thousand male volunteers were medically monitored for an average of four years. The consumption habits of coffee were recorded and then compared with the cases of prostate cancer that occurred during this time, say the doctors.

Results already checked in the laboratory for prostate cancer cells
The study found that consuming more than three cups of coffee a day on subjects resulted in a 53% reduction in prostate cancer risk compared to fewer coffee-drinking people. The researchers confirmed their finding by testing the effect of coffee extracts on prostate cancer cells in the laboratory.

Is the positive effect of coffee due to the caffeine in it??
Caffeine extracts significantly reduced cancer cell proliferation, as well as their ability to metastasise, explain the authors of the study. The beneficial effect observed in the seven thousand participants may also be due to caffeine and not to the many other substances in coffee, according to Maria Benedetta Donati of the Neuromed Institute. (As)