Coffee reduces the risk of strokes

Coffee reduces the risk of strokes / Health News

Study: If women drink at least one cup of coffee every day, the risk of stroke falls by 25 percent


Regular consumption of coffee can significantly reduce the risk of stroke. This was discovered by Swedish researchers as part of a long-term scientific study.

There is a widespread opinion that coffee is unhealthy. However, one cup of coffee per day can significantly reduce the risk of stroke. This was the result of scientists from the „Karolinksa Institute“ in Stockholm. Since 1997, the Swedish research team led by Susanna Larsson has been studying women's coffee consumption and the onset of brain infarction. A total of 35,000 women between the ages of 49 and 83 years of age took part in the study. Regular surveys on coffee consumption were conducted throughout the study. Based on the results, the data were compared with the occurrence of strokes.

Stroke risk reduced by 25 percent
By the end of the study period in 2008, a total of 1,700 subjects had suffered a stroke. After evaluating the data, the researchers found that the risk of stroke was reduced by 25 percent if the participating women drink more than one cup of coffee per day. To limit the results, other risk factors were included in the evaluation. "It's possible that coffee weakens inflammation, reduces oxidative stress and improves insulin sensitivity“ sums up study author Larsson.

Coffee is not unhealthy
Numerous study participants assumed that daily consumption of coffee harms their health. "In fact, there is more and more evidence that moderate coffee consumption reduces the risk of some conditions, such as diabetes, liver cancer and possibly even stroke," said the researcher. The assumption that coffee causes cardiac arrhythmia has long since been refuted.

In fact, further long-term studies have already yielded similar results. For example, Dutch scientists at the University Medical Center recently found that regular consumption of coffee and tea protects the cardiovascular system and lowers the risk of heart attack. The more the participants drank coffee, the lower the risk rate. Tea consumers achieved even better scores, with researchers suggesting that coffee consumers tend to lead a more unhealthy lifestyle.

Coffee contains valuable antioxidants
Coffee and tea contain important antioxidants that inhibit oxidative substances in the body. This protects the body's own cell membranes and cell nuclei. These positive qualities can be found not only in coffee and tea, but also in natural form fruits and vegetables. (Sb)

Read about coffee and health:
Study: Coffee and tea are good for the heart
Fear by coffee
Coffee Day: the healthy drink
Coffee does not cause cardiac arrhythmia

Picture: S. Hainz