Coffee No protection of the liver from alcohol damage

Coffee No protection of the liver from alcohol damage / Health News

Two cups of coffee per day have a protective effect on the liver


Who drinks too much alcohol risks a serious liver damage. Professor Christian Strassburg of the University of Bonn pointed this out at a congress of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists in Merano. Two cups of coffee per day would protect the liver. Damage caused by too much alcohol could not be prevented.

Protect the liver and only ingest moderate amounts of alcohol
Excessive alcohol consumption is considered the main risk factor for liver damage. „The liver does not hurt when it is damaged. The pain of the liver is fatigue“, reported Professor Christian Strassburg from the University Hospital Bonn at an international advanced training congress of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists. „Those affected often postpone their prolonged fatigue to their jobs and are examined by the doctor much too late.“ Other signs of liver disease with elevated liver values ​​include a swollen belly and yellow-stained skin and eyes.

The internist advocated a more conscious use of alcohol. „The liver and alcohol work well if you only drink in moderation and the liver has no damage.“, so Strasbourg. „If you drink too much, however, alcohol increases the risk of liver cancer similar to smoking for lung cancer.“

According to the internist, two cups of coffee a day should have a positive effect on the liver. However, the organ can not be protected against excessive alcohol consumption. „There is none „Happy Pills“ for the men's evening: There are no drugs or supplements that improve the alcohol compatibility or prevent alcohol damage.“ It would be best to abstain completely from alcohol or drink only small amounts.

Contrary to many assumptions, red wine is not healthier than other alcoholic beverages - at least not for the liver. „If the alcohol has developed liver disease, it does not take any advantage that other ingredients of the red wine reduce the risk of heart disease“, so Strasbourg.

To protect the liver, naturopathy recommends detoxifying the liver once a year. Dandelions, artichoke and milk thistle are considered as medicinal plants. (Ag)