Coffee helps to cleanse the body

Coffee helps to cleanse the body / Health News

Coffee: The "little black man" is healthier than his reputation


Coffee activates the cellular self-cleaning processes in the body. This report Austrian researchers in cooperation with French colleagues from the University of Paris Descartes in the specialist magazines „PLOS Genetics "and „Cell cycle. "According to the popular hot drink should be drunk only pure or with vegetable milk, as animal proteins can inhibit the processes.

Coffee cleanses the body
Coffee can trigger cellular self-cleaning processes called autophagy. Scientists at the University of Graz have discovered the molecular mechanism on which these processes are based. „Epidemiological studies and clinical studies have shown that the persistent consumption of coffee is associated with the inhibition of several metabolic diseases as well as the reduction of total and cause-specific mortality“, the researchers write.

Frank Madeo, head of the working group „Aging and cell death "at the Institute of Molecular Biosciences at the University of Graz and his team have now been able to demonstrate a further positive effect of the caffeinated drink using a mouse model. „We have shown that both natural and decaffeinated coffee causes autophagy in mice at a similar rate“, write the authors.„It is a kind of self-digestive program that cleanses and detoxifies the cell. This cellular garbage collection is mainly triggered by controlled fasting, "said Madeo to the news agency „APA“. In this way, what has accumulated in the cells and is no longer needed can be disposed of like defective proteins in a natural way.

„One to four hours after coffee consumption, cellular autophagy of all organs examined - the liver, muscles and heart - was boosted in the model organisms. write the authors. „We suspect that this is caused by the polyphenols contained in coffee. "Both conventional and decaffeinated coffee stimulated the purification processes in the cells, only animal proteins inhibited the processes, so milk should be avoided or a vegetable variant should be used when drinking coffee In the model organism, the uptake of methionine - an amino acid that increasingly occurs in animal protein - led to a significant increase in life expectancy, said the Graz scientist Christoph Ruckenstuhl of the news agency.

Picture: Marianne J.