Young men prefer to live with mom

Young men prefer to live with mom / Health News

Federal Statistical Office: Young men prefer to live with mom and dad


According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden, most young men between the ages of 18 and 24 still live in their parents' household. In contrast to their male counterparts, young women move out of their homes faster and crave a more independent perspective.

Instead of living in shared flats or small apartments, most young men between the ages of 18 and 24 prefer to live at home with their mothers and fathers. According to a recent evaluation by the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden, 71 percent of young men still live with their mom and dad. Somewhat faster, apparently, young women can abnabeln. Here was the couch potato quota at only 57 percent. Taken together, young adults under the age of 24 still live with their parents in about 64 percent of cases. Great changes did not exist compared to the last 12 years. In 2000, 65 percent of young men and women still lived at home.

Minority lives alone or in a shared flat
Only a minority of young adults aged between 18 and 24 live alone in their own household. According to the Federal Office, it is just 17 percent (2010). With a friend or spouse, 13 percent lived together in their own homes (18 percent of women and 8 percent of young men). Another six percent are single parents or live together with other young people in a shared flat (shared flat).

Opposition is not barely necessary today
According to sociologists, young people today are less opposed to their parents than they were 30 years ago. Advanced education seems to favor conventional living with parents in a household. According to youth researcher Klaus Hurrelmann especially young men fear the independence. Her female peers are more flexible and independent in this regard. Most women crave faster than their male peers for their job prospects and their own family. While taking off home quickly was a good thing, most young adults prefer to live with their parents for a few more years. (Sb)

Image: Jerzy /