Juvenile alcohol consumption strongly influenced by parental role model

Juvenile alcohol consumption strongly influenced by parental role model / Health News
Juvenile alcohol consumption: parents with greater influence than expected
Although some studies have already provided evidence that parental alcohol consumption has a significant influence on the drinking behavior of adolescents, many parents ignore their role model function here. Parents have more influence on their decisions on adolescent alcohol consumption than they realize, Australian researchers from the University of Adelaide report on their recent study results.

In their study, the scientists analyzed the drinking behavior of Australian adolescents and observed a significant influence of parents on the alcohol consumption of adolescents. "Parental behavior and attitudes toward alcohol make a significant difference and can prevent children from drinking at an early age," said behavioral scientist Jacqueline Bowden of the University of Adelaide.

Many parents underestimate their role model role in adolescent drinking. (Image: underdogstudios / fotolia.com)

Teens asked about their drinking habits
More than 2,800 South Australian students aged 12 to 17 interviewed the researchers about their alcohol consumption. "The results of the study provide an overview of the prevalence of alcohol consumption among students and the factors that most affect drinking behavior," said the Adelaide University. Harmful alcohol consumption remains a serious problem in Australia, and drinking patterns are often first brought into adolescence, says Jacqueline Bowden.

Understand the drinking behavior of adolescents better
According to the expert, "Alcohol is one of the top 5 causes of death in young people and a leading cause of cancer in our society." Here it is important to better understand the drinking behavior among young people in order to derive effective prevention strategies. Regarding the drinking habits of Australian adolescents, the scientists found that most adolescents under the age of 16 had already tried alcohol. One-third of the students reported occasional alcohol consumption, and as soon as young people became regular drinkers, the most important predictor of drinking was the perceived availability of alcohol, the researchers write.

Many are unaware of the association with cancer
Only 28 percent of respondents, according to the researchers, were aware of the link between alcohol and cancers, and those who knew the link were less likely to use alcohol. Furthermore, when friends of respondents smoked or drank alcohol, their likelihood of alcohol consumption also increased. And financially well-off adolescents basically showed an increased likelihood of alcohol consumption.

Disapproval of the alcohol consumption by the parents with far-reaching effect
Across all age groups, adolescents were less likely to drink alcohol if their parents disapproved of the minors' drinking. "One of the most important messages from our study is that parents have more influence on young people's decisions about alcohol than they probably suspect," says Jacqueline Bowden.

"Recent findings underscore the need to educate young people about the consequences of alcohol consumption" and the importance of parenting for responsible drinking behavior, Lincoln Size of the Cancer Council SA explains in the Adelaide University Communication. Here, the message must penetrate that the supposedly harmless fun can actually have lifelong consequences.

Even at home do not give alcohol to teens
The behavioral scientist Jaqcueline Bowden explains that the issue of the transfer of alcohol to young people must be addressed. Because many parents would believe that providing their children with alcohol in the safe environment of their home teach them a responsible use of alcohol. However, the current evidence suggests that this increases consumption and it is therefore not recommended. Likewise, the impression of an easy availability of alcohol means that adolescents drink more regularly.

Availability in society critical
The issue of availability - including price and marketing - of alcohol in society remains a major challenge, according to the researchers. In Australia, alcohol is more affordable today than in the past 30 years, and the number of outlets has increased significantly in the past 15 years. "Add advertising and sports sponsorship, and we have a very strong message that alcohol is the norm," says Bowden.

Important advice for parents
Current evidence shows that parents are required "to help their children develop a healthier relationship with alcohol early on. Parents can set the limits and create clear expectations, "explains Jacqueline Bowden. According to the expert, parents should therefore:

  • Discuss alcohol consumption with their children and make clear the fact that not everyone drinks,
  • inform themselves about upcoming leisure activities such as a party and make their expectations on the behavior of the young people clear,
  • Rethinking their own alcohol consumption in front of the children, since most alcohol is consumed by adults at home,
  • Avoid excessive use of alcohol,
  • organize non-alcoholic events,
  • and do not buy alcohol for teens or make it available at parties.

It is often forgotten that alcohol is the most widely used recreational drug and how important it is "that parents give the right example," says Bowden.

Connection between cancer and alcohol consumption
Explicitly, the researchers also point to the cancer risk associated with alcohol consumption. It is "clear that alcohol consumption is a cause of cancer" and "every degree of alcohol consumption increases the risk of developing an alcohol-related cancer," says Lincoln Size. "We know that alcohol can cause cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx, esophagus, intestine in men and the breast in women," continued Size. In addition, alcohol is considered a possible cause of liver cancer and there is evidence that alcohol increases the risk of colorectal cancer in women. A better awareness of the risk of cancer could also change the attitude of adolescents to alcohol, the researchers explain. (Fp)