Teenagers after herbal mixture joint in clinic

Teenagers after herbal mixture joint in clinic / Health News

A herbal mixture brought three adolescents to a hospital: the adolescents had inhaled the mixture like a cannabis joint and suffered severe health problems.

Three teenagers were hospitalized after the experiment with a joint of herbal mixture. What was true for the hippies marijuana in the 1968s is today the herbal mixture from the headshop for a growing number of adolescents. Because unlike cannabis, the substances contained so far are usually not under the Narcotics Act (BtMG) and consumption is not covered by the conventional drug measuring devices. That the herbal mixtures can still be very dangerous, three teenagers from Hechingen now had to find that after smoking a herbal mixture joints were directly hospitalized.

Two teenagers were in mortal danger
The three brothers at the age of 14, 15 and 18 years had the herbal mixture „Monkee go Bananas“ in Zollernalbkreis worried in a head shop and then smoked as a joint. After smoking the mixture, the boys had collapsed and become unconscious. Subsequently, all three had to be hospitalized, with the 18-year-old could be dismissed relatively quickly, the 14- and 15-year-olds, however, in acute danger of dying, a while lay in the intensive care unit and were artificially ventilated. They were according to the police „in a very critical condition.“

Effect of herbal mixtures often underestimated
„A case of this magnitude is the first in a circle“, said Lambert Maute, press spokesman for the Police Directorate Balingen. However, the police have been watching with suspicion for several years now the growing prevalence of questionable herbal mixtures modeled on that which has been banned for two years „Spice“. Most of the blends can be marketed legally because they are not covered by the BtMG and should exert a similar effect on smoking as the consumption of cannabis. But the effect is usually not, as the name suggests, of the herbs contained but of the added chemical substances. Above all, the mixture of the various chemical substances, the inaccurate dosage and the interaction with the different herbs during consumption is a risk that should not be underestimated. According to the reports in corresponding online forums, long-established cannabis consumers sometimes throw themselves off track. The more problematic is the mixture of herbal mixtures in adolescents and children. Because the effect is often many times stronger than that of already very strong marijuana today. With the joint that some adults still know from their youth, this effect is by no means comparable.

Herbal mixtures of synthetic substances
Since „Spice“ was banned, many consumers meet in online forums, where alternatives discussed, recipes for herbal joints exchanged and reviews are published. In terms of the herbal mixture consumed by the three adolescents „Monkee go Bananas“ It is agreed in all relevant forums that the effect is very strong (much stronger than in cannabis) and in many cases caused paranoia, temporary loss of memory or extreme palpitations.

Not without reason, the manufacturers explicitly point out that the herbal mixture is suitable only as a room or car smell and should never be inhaled. On the one hand, they want to protect themselves legally in the direction of the BtMG and, on the other hand, do not want to be held responsible for possible health damage caused by inhalation. Also, the distribution of constantly changing mixtures for the legislature is a problem in the regulation and for the consumer a problem in the assessment of the effect, said the Balinger police spokesman. Almost all mixtures are synthetically enriched, and the effects of the chemicals are unpredictable and often underestimated by consumers, as the current case confirms.

Marijuana prohibited, lethal substances allowed
The case also points to a problem in German drug policy. Because the growing spread of questionable herbal mixtures is directly related to the still upheld ban on cannabis. However, substances are marketed that have a much more devastating effect on the health of consumers, just to protect the legal appearance. Enlightenment work in this direction is rare, so that the young people are often completely unprepared to face a situation such as the three brothers have experienced.

Here, there is an urgent need for a rethinking on the part of politics. It can not be the purpose of a ban on cannabis to continually launch new substances that are said to have a similar effect but are far more damaging and legal to health. Also the herbal mixture „Monkee go Bananas“ The three brothers bought it legally in a shop selling cannabis accessories such as hookahs, cleaning supplies, tobacco and special cigarette paper. Although no substances may be sold here which fall under the BtMG, the herbal mixtures distributed as room and car scents may be sold by the shops, „as long as they are not prohibited. But they are not banned unless they have negative effects on the body“, Police spokesman Lambert Maute explained. Nevertheless, the Criminal Investigation Balingen has already initiated a preliminary investigation against the shopkeeper on Friday and retracted the remaining packs of herbal mixture when searching the store rooms. (fp, 04.11.2010)

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Picture credits: Henning Hraban Ramm