Itchy Skin Disease The scabies return

Itchy Skin Disease The scabies return / Health News

Itchy Skin Disease: Scabies continues to spread

Although many people think scabies would be long gone in Germany, there were always times when the itchy skin disease returned. For some time, the unpleasant illness in northern Germany has spread. In Hamburg, the number of those affected has doubled.

Infectious skin disease was considered extinct

Although Scabbers was considered extinct in this country for a long time, the infectious skin disease had never completely disappeared. More recently, there have been more cases of scabies infections in schools. And just a few months ago, a whole ward had to be closed in a Bonn clinic because of scabies cases. Currently, the number of scabies cases in northern Germany is increasing.

Although some people think that scabies are extinct, the unpleasant skin disease is currently on the rise in some regions of Germany. In Hamburg, the number of those affected has doubled. (Image: Gina Sanders /

Number of those affected has doubled

"We see a sharp increase in the most important groups of drugs for the treatment of scabies. In the corresponding ointment, the number of prescriptions in Hamburg rose within a year by 64.5 percent, in the case of tablets even by 90.5 percent, "said Frank Liedtke, Country Manager of Barmer in Hamburg in a statement.

"The number of those affected has more than doubled within two years," continued Liedtke.

Regulations were evaluated with the active substances permethrin and ivermectin in the years 2016 and 2017.

No question of hygiene

"Affected people do not have to be ashamed, because an infection with scabies can hit anyone and does not necessarily have something to do with lack of hygiene," Dr. Utta Petzold, dermatologist at the Barmer.

"In addition, the scabies can be completely overlooked at first. Then the itching caused by the small mites is mistaken for the symptoms of dermal eczema and treated in this way, which in turn conceals the scabies, "Petzold continued.

As the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) explains on its portal "", the scabies, medically referred to as scabies, is an infectious skin disease caused by the itch mite of humans.

It can be transmitted from person to person, as well as from animal to human and over clothing or objects.

The disease is usually not dangerous, but it is extremely unpleasant for those affected.

Disease sign of scabies

Burning of the skin and itching, which is particularly pronounced in bed warmth, are often the first signs of scabies, according to BZgA.

"The itching can even spread to skin regions that are not directly from
Itching mites are affected, "write the experts on their portal.

Infested areas are therefore mainly interspaces of fingers and toes, wrists, ankles, armpits, elbows, nipples and genitals.

Especially in infants and toddlers, the hairy head, the face as well as the hands and feet can be affected.

In addition, injured skin can ignite purulent by scratching. Prolonged infestation may develop into a large-area itchy rash with pin-sized blisters, reddened raised nodules or pustules in response to the mite excretions.

High risk of infection

The itch mite is particularly easy to spread in kindergartens because there is a close physical contact between children. If the scabies occur in the kindergarten, this must be reported to the health authorities according to the Infection Protection Act.

However, the number of unreported cases is likely to be higher, as it does not affect any affected family members.

"Only when the first symptoms, the parents look up with their offspring the doctor. Affected children are already contagious if the families do not know anything about the infection, "explains Petzold.

"Itch mites can survive for a few days outside the human body and look for a new host during this time," says Petzold.

Therefore, the expert advises to change clothes and bed linen daily and wash at 60 degrees. Towels should even be renewed twice a day. Non-washable toys should be packaged airtight for seven to 14 days, preferably in a plastic bag.

It is also sensible to vacuum upholstered furniture and mattresses daily with a powerful vacuum cleaner. (Ad)