Jogging in winter That's the way to go

Jogging in winter That's the way to go / Health News

Precautions for jogging in winter important to avoid infections


The cold season should not prevent active athletes from running in wintry temperatures. However, some precautions should be taken to prevent jogging from causing a cold. For already existing infections should be waived for the time being, however, the training.

Graduate sports teacher Ronny Moriabadi from the German University for Prevention and Health Management in Saarbrücken advises athletes to take simple precautions, so that joggers adequately achieve their training goal even during the cold season. Because cold, so the expert, is in principle no hindrance to renounce the running training. "Especially the feet, ankles, calves and knees should be prepared and warmed on the spot with mobilizing exercises such as foot circuits or walking and trotting before training."

Water repellent clothing and cap
To protect the body from the cold, the sports lecturer recommends putting on several thin sports clothing one above the other. Because over the head a lot of heat is released, „The head should be covered with a thin breathable cap“. The cold air can cause an unpleasant sensation in the lungs, which is why it is important to inhale through the nose. The exhale can then happen again through the mouth. Non-slip shoes with profiled soles can minimize the risk of injury from falls. Water-repellent upper protects against wetness and keeps the body warm.

Wear dry clothes after running
When the jogging is finished, exercisers should quickly put on a dry coat and then start the warming up sessions. So that in the dark the runner is recognized in time by car or bicycle riders, the sports expert recommends training only in sufficiently lit surroundings and with flashing signals. Even in winter, endurance training with at least 30 minutes per day can be undertaken. The expert advises to jog about three times a week for optimal endurance training.

Do not exercise for colds
In existing diseases such as influenza infections, jogging should be stopped. Otherwise the disease could be delayed and spread to the heart. The result is a life-threatening heart muscle inflammation. Only when the infection is completely cured, the running training can start again. (Sb)

Also read:
Jogging as a health hazard?
Too much sport is unhealthy
Cold can cause problems during sports

Image: Erich Keppler