Jogging as a health hazard?

Jogging as a health hazard? / Health News

Two-thirds of joggers risk their health through incorrect training


Jogging can cause significant health problems. According to a study by the AOK, two-thirds of all joggers endanger their health by running rather than benefiting. Especially by overexertion caused by the recreational runners exhaustion, fatigue and fatigue. It threatens muscular discomfort and cardiovascular problems.

Especially if one's own physical limits are regularly exceeded during jogging and massive recreational conditions occur after the recreational sport, then an unfavorable running profile with negative health consequences can be assumed, explained Professor Henning Allmer from the Cologne Institute for Applied Health Sciences. Allmer has developed a test on behalf of the AOK, which allows the joggers to easily check their own running behavior from a health point of view.

Harmful jogging - Two-thirds of joggers go wrong
More than 10,000 people participated in the AOK test developed by Prof. Allmer between December 2006 and November 2010. On the homepage of the AOK anyone interested could carry out the running type test online. In evaluating the anonymously recorded data, Prof. Allmer noted that a startling number of people in Germany are more likely to impair their health by running than to benefit from it. On the basis of the test results, the expert assigned the test subjects to three different treadmill categories. Joggers with a favorable running profile, who immediately take a break with negative signals from the body such as an increased heart rate or muscle cramps, and who experience physical well-being after running. According to Prof. Allmer, the health benefits of jogging predominate here. In contrast to this first category, the joggers stand with an unfavorable running profile, which puts the effort and performance aspect in the foreground during running and regularly crosses physical boundaries. After jogging, the states of exhaustion dominate and, according to Prof. Allmer, it is to be assumed that the health effects are impairing. Between the unfavorable and cheap running profile lies the category of the critical running profile, in which the joggers do not do everything wrongly, but nevertheless can already have negative health consequences. According to the study by the AOK Federal Association, only a third of respondents are in the category with a low-cost, healthy running profile (32 percent), 36 percent of the joggers have a critical running profile and 32 percent can be attributed to the category with an unfavorable, health-damaging running profile.

Overstrain while jogging causes health risks
The running study carried out on behalf of the AOK Federal Association comes to the conclusion that the exaggerated performance aspect of jogging in particular negates the supposed benefits of physical activity. Possible health impairments of jogging have been discussed several times, but primarily damage to the joints in the case of incorrect footwear and running surfaces has been the subject of discussion. That running is otherwise positive for the health, always seemed out of the question. But the current study of the AOK suggests the opposite. Over-exertion put two-thirds of recreational runners into a health risk that should not be underestimated. „Anyone who regularly overstrains while running and does not listen to the signals of the body, must finally expect permanent exhaustion, fatigue and fatigue“, in which, „in the end (...) even muscular discomfort and cardiovascular problems occur“ emphasized Prof. Allmer when presenting the study results.

Health benefits with proper running behavior
According to the AOK study, joggers should pay particular attention to not exceeding the limits of their performance when training. Recreational runners are advised to take a short break as soon as physical reactions such as muscle cramps, side-stitches or a significantly increased heart rate occur. Those who stick to it can benefit greatly from physical activity. In doing so, jogging is not only assumed to have a positive effect on the body (for example cardiovascular system) but also on the psyche (stress management). (Fp)

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Image: Thomas Siepmann