Younger woman can not open her mouth suddenly

Younger woman can not open her mouth suddenly / Health News
Strong pain: woman can not open mouth
Suddenly, a young Australian woman could not open her mouth when she woke up in the morning. The martyrdom lasted for five long years. There was no day when the sufferer had no pain. Doctors diagnosed osteoarthritis in the left and right temporomandibular joint.

Pictures of the Affected / Instagram

Tamara Minge was suffering a lot. If you meet the young mother in the street, you would not believe it. It looks like the 29-year-old is happy and happy. But the lone parent has a serious illness and an odyssey between doctors, surgery and unbearable pain. Although she had noticed earlier that her jaw ached when she opened her mouth and closed it again, she preferred to ignore the discomfort that they were leaving, she said. "In the morning I woke up and suddenly could not open my mouth!" That was in 2012. "I tried to open my mouth, but I could not open it more than a fingerbreit. I was in such pain, "she told the magazine" Mamamia ".

Dentist could not help
Immediately, the person concerned went to the dentist. Eventually, she assumed that inflammation of the jaw might be responsible. He in turn referred the patient to an orthodontist. The dentist said the jaw was dislocated. But this only made things worse. The pain was extreme.

When nothing else helped, an x-ray was done. It became apparent that the woman suffered from arthrosis in the left and right temporomandibular joint. In addition, the cartilage in between had already worn out. The doctors now advised to replace the right jaw with a prosthesis. And even though Minge said she has a nickel allergy.

The following OP lasted 5 long hours and cost 15,000 EUR. After that, everything seemed fine again. But in November 2013, the pain came back. The head growled, the skin deteriorated, and the face swelled rapidly. Allegedly, nickel and cobalt were in the prosthesis.

In 2016, the left temporomandibular joint also suddenly ached. Minge had to be operated again. Finally, she got the desired allergen-free titanium prosthesis. But on the right side is still the old prosthesis, which causes allergic reactions. These should also be replaced with a titanium. But the single mother can not afford another operation. Therefore, she now collects money on the page "GoFundMe"

But the single parent can not afford more OPs - so now you want to help friends raise money with a GoFundMe fundraising campaign to fulfill their dream of a life without pain.

5 million people suffer in Germany
Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease according to the German Arthrose-Hilfe in Frankfurt am Main. Most affected are hands, knees and hips. Discomfort in the jaw is very rare. Around five million people in Germany have osteoarthritis. In the course of osteoarthritis, the cartilage wears off more and more, until finally, in the later stage, bones rub directly on bones. By detached cartilage particles, the synovial membrane can be irritated, produces more synovial fluid, and soon forms an effusion. The joint becomes warm and thick and the patient feels an inflammatory pain. For sufferers, osteoarthritis makes itself felt, among other things, that after a period of rest, for example after prolonged sitting, they feel a pain during a movement or feel stiff. (Sb)