Any light soft drinks bad for our intestinal flora?

Any light soft drinks bad for our intestinal flora? / Health News

How do light drinks with sweetener affect the intestines??

The human gut contains many different types of bacteria. This system, also called intestinal microbiome, keeps the body healthy. But if it gets out of balance, it can lead to a variety of diseases. Researchers have now found in a recent study that so-called light drinks can harm the bacteria in the gut.

Researchers at Nanyang Technology University, Ben-Gurion University and the Volcani Center have found in their recent research that low-calorie light drinks can harm the beneficial bacteria in our intestines. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Molecules".

Many people drink so-called light drinks so as not to consume so much sugar. However, such drinks have the disadvantage that they have a negative effect on the bacteria in the intestine. (Image: Jag_cz /

Six artificial sweeteners were closely examined

In the new study, researchers at Nanyang Technology University in Singapore, Ben-Gurion University and the Volcani Center in Israel collaborated to further investigate the effects of exposure to Escherichia coli bacteria in the laboratory. In particular, six FDA approved artificial sweeteners were considered. Although E. coli is often associated with food poisoning, many strains of these bacteria naturally occur in the human intestine and do no harm there.

Bacteria were modified for examination

The researchers used different types of E. coli bacteria that under different stress conditions were modified to produce bioluminescent light. For example, one type of bacteria will glow if its DNA is damaged. Another type shines when its cell walls or proteins are damaged. Depending on what type of modified E. coli was illuminated by the addition of artificial sweeteners by the scientists, the researchers were able to determine what kind of damage took place.

Different sweeteners led to various damages

The experts found that each sweetener produces a specific fingerprint that indicates different types of damage. The color pattern was unique to every sweetener. For example, some sweeteners may be more damaging to DNA than proteins. But all the sweeteners tested harmed the bacteria in some way, explains study author Evgeni Eltzov from the Volcani Center. However, the expert also noted that these results do not automatically mean that the substances are toxic to humans. Further research is now needed to investigate the exact implications. Based on the current study, however, the study author adds that it's better not to drink light drinks.

What limitations did the study have??

There was one important limitation to the new study: The study was conducted in the laboratory in test tubes. Nevertheless, the researchers speculate that the results could apply to humans as well. However, the results of the laboratory experiment can not be transferred directly to humans. For example, the levels of artificial sweetener added to the bacteria were higher than what a person would consume in a can of diet soda, critics said. In addition, not all sweetener gets into the intestine. In addition, the intestinal microbiome consists of a complicated system of different types of bacteria that interact in different ways. However, studies on animals have always shown that artificial sweeteners worsen the profile of the intestinal microbiome, so it may be better to stay away from them, critics also admit. (As)