Every fourth child wants more daddy time

Every fourth child wants more daddy time / Health News

One in four children in Germany wants more daddy activities


Every fourth child in Germany would spend more time with the daddy to play. But because fathers are still the financial main providers of the family, the time is often missing. This has resulted in a representative study commissioned by Bausparkasse LBS. In addition to games, children also want to do cooking, sports and baking as daddy activities. Fulfilling the wishes of the children is one of the most important things for many young fathers „real challenge“, as it was called.

Children in Germany are much talked about by adults. But the children themselves often do not speak. For this reason, the LBS Children's Barometer has been investigating the emotional well-being of children for several years. It turned out that about a quarter of the children in Germany complain about a lack of cooperation with their fathers, as the current "Kinderbarometer" study by Bausparkasse LBS revealed. Accordingly, the children would like to play more with their fathers, cook, do sports or even bake. The wishes of the children are quite different in terms of a shared leisure time, as a speaker of Landesbausparkasse announced.

Kids want more daddy activities
According to the survey results, around 40 percent of 9- to 14-year-old children would like to spend more time with their dad to play. Joint cooking or baking ranked second in the surveyed children with 34 percent. More common sports required about 33 percent of the little ones. In fourth place was tinkering and works, each with 18 percent.

Not very high in the course was the common accomplishment of the schoolwork. Only 23 percent of children would do this job with their dad. On the other hand, every fifth child wants to discuss everyday problems or experiences with their dad.

Difficult compatibility with work and family
Many fathers can hardly fulfill the wishes of their children. Especially younger fathers would find it difficult to combine children's wishes and family life with the high expectations of the working world, according to the LBS.

Since 1997, the LBS regularly polls up to 10,000 children on the topics of living environment, leisure, school, family life and current political and social events. The respondents attend the 4th to 7th grade of all school types. The main objective of the study is to examine the well-being of children in Germany. (Sb)

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Image: Ramona Kitzmüller