Every third child does not like vegetables

Every third child does not like vegetables / Health News

Almost every third child rejects vegetables and prefers to eat „Fast food“ like french fries or burgers. However, the reasons are much more due to the eating habits than to the taste.

(15.08.2010) According to a Forsa survey commissioned by Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), every third child refuses healthy vegetables. The reasons are, however, with the parents and much less the taste of the vegetables. „Fast food“ and finished food promotes overweight and the resulting secondary diseases. The sense of taste is already manifested in the early toddler age. Eating children little vegetables and much more finished products with additional artificial flavors, so the vegetables for most children taste mostly bland and boring. That is why it is important to get children used to a healthy and varied diet from an early age. Sigrid Piotrowski, Nutritionist at the German Nutrition Society, says: "It is important to introduce boys and girls alike to a healthy and, above all, varied diet, because childhood habits usually last a lifetime".

But children are more conservative while eating and less willing to try new foods and flavors. What they do not know, they do not eat, so the experience of many parents. Nutrition experts and educators therefore recommend shopping together with the children, involving them in the choice of food and involving them in cooking. In this way, the children gain positive access to the production and preparation of food. It is important to give the children responsibility and responsibility. Most children are happy when they get involved and thereby get a different picture of nutrition. "Children like to take part in the kitchen, which arouses interest and desire for a varied diet. Then the little ones dare to try something unknown," says the nutrition expert.

But many times the past life of the parents leaves something to be desired. In the everyday life of numerous families a common meal and preparing the food barely room. This was confirmed by the study of the TK-Kasse. So in each fifth household during the week to eat together usually the time is missing. In every fourth family, everyone eats at their own pace. Everyone eats for themselves and mostly unhealthy finished products. Common food hardly takes place there.

As many studies have shown, eating together is important for the nutrition and social structure within the family. "Nutrition is a parenting task, and parents should show their children that eating well is also about having fun and not just getting full," says dietitian Piotrowski.

Numerous initiatives and health centers offer cooking and nutrition courses. There, parents and children can learn how to handle food properly and learn which diet promotes good health. Further information can be found in the health centers of the health department. On the internet, numerous creative vegetables can be found recipes that can be cooked easily and quickly. If vegetables are prepared properly and imaginatively, the food will also appeal to most children and parents. (Sb)

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Picture: Rolf van Melis