Every third child is born by caesarean section

Every third child is born by caesarean section / Health News

Every third baby is born by caesarean section. DAK data show: Especially in the West is cut


The trend towards caesarean section is unbroken. Last year, every third baby in Germany was born by scalpel. This resulted in an evaluation of DAK internal hospital data. It is striking that in the new federal states is cut significantly less. There, only one in four women gives birth to a caesarean section.

Caesarean section (caesarean section) is used to surgically remove the baby from the mother's uterus. In earlier times such an intervention was still performed for medical reasons. Today, however, more and more mothers want a caesarean section, for example, to be able to determine exactly the date of birth. Compared to normal birth, however, there are numerous risks and side effects for both child and mother.

Caesarean sections often in older women
The reasons for the caesarean sections are manifold: „For one thing, today's mothers are older than they used to be. So there are more high-risk pregnancies where Caesarean section is safe“, says Elisabeth Thomas, DAK doctor. „On the other hand, one gets more anxious with age and fears that something could go wrong at the birth of the desired child.“ In order to avoid any risk, it is better to play it safe and ask for a caesarean section. „Younger women“, Thomas supposes, „rather choose from uncertainty and fear of the birth pain for it.“

Significant side effects possible
In the case of a planned caesarean section, the child will be born about two weeks before the expected date of birth. Completely without problems, without birth pains. But the pain comes - only later. Thomas: „Caesarean section is an operation, but the same risks exist for the mother as with any other surgery. Anesthesia, bleeding or infection can occur.“ In addition, the scar hurt many women for a very long time. „Any woman who thinks about a so-called preferred Caesarean section should be advised in detail by her gynecologist. This also explains the possible risks and side effects of a Caesarean section.“

Top three of the states with the most cesarean sections
1. Hamburg 37.0%
2. Hesse 35,8%
3. Schleswig-Holstein / Rhineland-Palatinate each 35.4%

Top three of the states with the fewest cesarean sections
1. Saxony 23.7%
2. Berlin 27.0%
3. Saxony-Anhalt 27.1%

Surgery is expensive for health insurance companies
The trend to caesarean section, however, the health insurance companies expensive: while the hospitals for an uncomplicated spontaneous delivery can settle around 1500 euros, a caesarean section costs about 2900 euros.

Special DAK service for pregnant women and young mothers
The DAK accompanies expectant and young mothers intensively: At www.willkommenbaby.dak.de, pregnant women, for example, receive answers and tips from experts suitable for every stage of pregnancy. Later, specially trained maternal counselors assist the newly-baked parents. (DAK, Sb)

Picture: Martin Büdenbender