Every third person gets sick on vacation
One in three Germans gets sick while on vacation. Sunburn, cold and gastrointestinal problems are the most common vacation diseases.
(25.06.2010) Many vacationers get sick during the vacation trip. So every third German was on holiday sick, as the German Employees Health Insurance (DAK) announced. According to a DAK survey, 36 percent of holidaymakers suffered from a sunburn. Thirty-five percent of respondents said they had a cold and 30% had a gastrointestinal infection.
Especially young people would be careless during the holiday period would often suffer a strong sunburn or even a sunstroke. Every 18 to 29 year olds have ever suffered a health-threatening sunstroke. One out of two young people would have contracted a cold. A cold is often caused by too cold set air conditioning and drafts.
Furthermore, holiday illnesses such as allergies, sun-stroke and broken bones rank high in the upper ranks. So every sixth had an Allerdie thrust or a sunstroke while on vacation. Every tenth German had a broken bone or a sprain. These fractures are mainly involved in winter holidays. Amazingly, food poisoning, on the other hand, was only 6% of respondents. Also, secondary diseases caused by insect bites had only 6 percent. The main topic remains especially the sunburn. "Those who want to return home healthy and well rested should beware of the sun," advises DAK health expert Elisabeth Thomas. (Sb)