Every third person suffers from cold and darkness in winter

Every third person suffers from cold and darkness in winter / Health News

Survey: Darkness and cold make it difficult for the Germans in winter


"Darkness and cold hit many people in the winter on the mind .One third (33.7 percent) feels in Germany at this time of year, driving, tired and without energy". This resulted in a survey commissioned by the magazine „pharmacy magazine“. Almost as many become sick more often (31.8 percent).

Dark and cold in winter make you tired and impotent
According to the survey, for which more than 2,000 women and men were surveyed by GfK Marktforschung, 29.8 percent of people in this country suffer from darkness and cold in winter. One in four (24.9 percent) said that in the cold season, he is permanently tired and every eighth (13.0 percent) that he is prone to depression in autumn and winter. 8.3 percent of respondents also said they had more circulatory problems.

Most of the missing sunlight is responsible for the detuning. If affected persons feel driftless and without energy every year during the autumn and winter months, a seasonal depression could be the cause. The so-called winter depression is an independent disease in which in addition to the symptoms mentioned also permanent fatigue, prolonged sleep and food cravings on carbohydrate-rich diet occur. Relief can provide a light therapy in which the patient sets himself daily for about 30 minutes before a special 10,000 lux lamp shortly after getting up. Every 90 seconds it should be seen at a distance of one meter for about three seconds into the light. In this way, retinal activating impulses are transmitted to the brain. (Ag)

Image: Angieconscious