Is hay milk really healthy?

Is hay milk really healthy? / Health News
What the addition "hay milk" on cheese and Co means
On milk cartons, cheese packs or yogurt cups you can always read the term "hay milk". However, many do not know what exactly that means. Some say that such products are more natural and healthier. But haymilk is really better?

Milk is considered a healthy natural product
In the past, milk was the epitome of healthy nutrition. But now there is a dispute over whether milk is healthy or harmful. For example, the natural product is said to strengthen bones and teeth, but according to studies, it may also favor diseases such as asthma. However, recent research shows that milk is actually healthy. However, some experts say that it is very important which milk is consumed.

In recent years, the supply of hay milk products in the food trade has increased significantly. Cows may not receive genetically modified feed for their production. (Image: dietwalther /

Different varieties on offer
Some consumers are particularly keen on easily digestible sour milk, but fresh farm milk is also growing in popularity. However, again and again, gastrointestinal germs in raw milk are warned. You should therefore always boil them before eating.

The term "hay milk", which can be found on milk cartons, cheese packs or yogurt cups, also seems to encourage consumers to buy. However, many people can not really begin with the term. There is a significant difference to conventional milk.

More and more hay milk products in the trade
The supply of hay milk products in the food trade has increased significantly in recent years. "Hay milk comes from cows that are fed exclusively with grass, legumes, grain and hay," explains Andrea Danitschek of the consumer advice center Bavaria. "You do not get any silage, so fermented feed from grass or grain."

According to the experts, hay milk is considered to be particularly high in terms of taste and ingredients. This milk also plays an important role in the production of raw milk cheese. Hay milk contains few unwanted bacteria that can interfere with cheese ripening. This reduces the risk of falsifying the taste or bloating the cheeses.

Europe-wide binding standards
In the meantime, the EU has set binding standards for hay milk production throughout Europe through the "Guaranteed traditional specialty" quality seal. "This also means that the cows are not allowed to receive genetically modified feed," says the nutrition expert. Until March 2018, there will be a transitional period for this regulation.

However, my experts say that hay milk is not necessarily healthier, more natural, animal friendly or more environmentally friendly. For example, the feeding with hay does not say anything about whether and how long the animals are standing in the pasture. The feeding can also take place in the stable. (Ad)