Is the fasting cure also suitable for weight loss?

Is the fasting cure also suitable for weight loss? / Health News
Fasting, Basenfasten, Intervallfasten: Inappropriate as a diet
Those who fast, voluntarily abstain completely or partially from food. As part of a fasting, fasting often deal with their body, their health and their diet. Therefore, it can prepare the entry into a health-promoting diet. Fasting is not suitable as a diet and does not lead to a long-term weight loss. Unless the fasting changes his lifestyle at the same time. Depending on the type of fasting even a balanced nutrient intake may be at risk, according to the German Nutrition Society (DGE). Seniors, pregnant women, nursing women, adolescents or children should abstain from fasting altogether. The same applies to people with certain illnesses such as eating disorders or liver and kidney diseases. The healing, base and interval fasting are widespread in this country.

fasting has a millennia-old tradition and aims to cleanse body, mind and soul. It is used both for health prevention and therapy for certain diseases. Therapeutic fasting should be under medical supervision. A fasting cure usually takes 7-10 days. In addition, a preparation day with about 1,000 kcal / day including abstinence from caffeine, alcohol and nicotine and after fasting three days to normalize the eating habits should be scheduled. During the days of fasting the body is only a very small amount of energy of max. 500 kcal / day fed in the form of liquid food.

In the past, fasting was commonly used in connection with religion, but today the focus is more on health issues. However, fasting is unsuitable for losing weight, as the DGE writes. (Image: Johanna Mühlbauer /

Beneficial effects of the fasting are scientifically proven in certain diseases, such as the metabolic syndrome, chronic inflammation or psychosomatic diseases. Healthy people can use this type of fasting as an introduction to weight loss; but it is unsuitable for permanent weight loss.

By Basenfasten the body should be deacidified - a method that is often used in alternative medicine. Base fasting foods should only eat foods that are considered basic, such as vegetables, fruits and some nuts and high quality linseed, olive or rapeseed oil. As drinks, spring water and diluted herbal teas are available. However, there is no scientific evidence for the effect of this fasting method: neither the existence of slags in the body is proven nor the assumption that acid-forming foods disturb the acid-base balance of the body.

Because vital nutrients may be inadequately supplied in the long run, the DGE advises against long-term base fasting.

interval fasting means to abstain from food for days or hours. There are different concepts with two consecutive days of fasting or two fixed days of fasting per week or alternating fasting. Recommendations, which foods should be selected on the remaining days, looking for the fasting mostly in vain. Intervall fasting is to be used as a permanent diet and as a rule the fasting person wants to reduce weight in the long term. The interval fast is attributed to various health-promoting effects on the metabolism.

There are no scientific studies on long-term effects of interval fattening. Previous data suggest a positive effect on health and weight loss. The DGE does not think interval fasting makes sense in order to regulate its weight in the long term, as there are no specific recommendations for food selection. A change in diet towards a nutritionally favorable food selection usually does not take place. (sb, pm)