ISGlobal Study About two hours of abstinence from sleep prevents cancer

ISGlobal Study About two hours of abstinence from sleep prevents cancer / Health News

How does the timing of the dinner affect the cancer risk??

With more and more people suffering from cancer in recent years, medical professionals are intensively seeking ways and means of protecting themselves from cancer or improving the treatment of cancer. Researchers have now found that having dinner at least two hours before going to bed is associated with a lower risk of breast and prostate cancer.

The scientists at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health found in their current research that an early dinner or interval of at least two hours between eating and going to bed is associated with a lower risk of breast and prostate cancer. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "International Journal of Cancer".

Certain cancers seem to be affected by the timing of our dinner. If people enjoy their dinner too late before going to bed, this is apparently associated with a greater risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer. (Image: psdesign1 /

Dinner at the right time reduced cancer risk by 20 percent

In particular, if people stop their dinner before 9:00 pm or stop eating at least two hours before going to bed, they have a 20% lower risk of developing breast and prostate cancer, compared to people who eat after 10:00 pm or quickly go to bed for dinner, explain the experts. These were the main conclusions of a new study by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal). For the first time, the study analyzes the relationship between the risk of cancer and the timing of meals and sleep.

Food intake time has been mostly not considered

Previous studies on the relationship between diet and cancer have focused mostly on nutritional patterns, such as the effects of red meat, fruits and vegetables, and the relationship between food intake and obesity. However, many factors were ignored, or simply under-researched, which affect the daily act of eating, explain the physicians. These include, for example, the timing of food intake and the activities that people do before and after meals.

Current study also took into account the chronotype of the participants

The aim of the new study was to assess whether mealtimes could be associated with the risk of breast and prostate cancer (two of the most common cancers worldwide). Breast cancer and prostate cancer are also among the most associated with night shift work, circadian disorder and alteration of biological rhythms, explain the scientists. The current study evaluated each participant's lifestyle and chronotype (an individual attribute that correlates with the morning or evening activity preference).

Which questions did subjects have to answer??

The study included data from 621 cases of prostate cancer and 1,205 cases of breast cancer, as well as data from 872 men and 1,321 women randomly selected from primary health care centers. For example, questions to subjects include time of eating, sleeping habits, eating habits, adherence to cancer prevention recommendations and their so-called chronotype.

Results are especially important for people in Southern Europe

"The findings underscore the importance of assessing circadian rhythms in studies of diet and cancer," said study author Manolis Kogevinas of the Barcelona Institute for Global Health in a press release. The findings will have implications for cancer prevention recommendations that currently do not include meals, the expert adds. The effects could be particularly important in cultures such as Southern Europe, where people often eat late at night.

Sleep time affects the ability to metabolize food

"More human research is needed to understand the reasons for these findings, but everything indicates that sleep time affects our ability to metabolize food," study author Dora Romaguera of the Barcelona Institute for Global Health said in a press release , Evidence from animal experiments has shown that the timing of food intake has a profound effect on the metabolism and health of food, adds Romaguera. (As)