Iranian converted Christian is entitled to asylum
As a result, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees has to recognize an Iranian converted to Christianity as a refugee. He applied for asylum in Germany in 2012. In Germany he changed from the Muslim to the Christian faith.
(Image: Lydia Geissler / stated that he had never really practiced the Muslim faith. After his departure, he was baptized and joined a free Protestant community. He regularly attends the service and helps with the translation in a Bible study.
The asylum application was rejected. The plaintiff has not made his persecution in Iran for a "serious and lasting conversion to the Christian faith" credible.
The Administrative Court, in its judgment of 19 September 2016, required the authority to recognize the Iranian as a refugee. The plaintiff, after his entry into the Federal Republic of Germany, turned "out of inner conviction to the Christian faith". He had also practiced it out of inner conviction, so that he could not be expected to return to Iran.
For the asylum recognition the foreigner must "threaten with considerable probability danger to body, life or liberty" because of the practice of its religion. In Iran, the "apostasy", the so-called apostasy, can be punished with the death penalty.
Not only converted to Christianity former Muslims are at risk, which develop a missionary activity, said the administrative court. "There is a danger of persecution for members of evangelical or free church groups, who make their rejection of Islam visible to the outside, that they want to participate in the exercise of their faith in public rites such as religious services," says the verdict.
Even a religious activity in the domestic sphere is not possible in Iran for converts without danger. Admittedly, converts would not be "systematically persecuted". However, if home church activities were reported - for example from neighbors - the meetings would be randomly reviewed.
Here, the plaintiff also proved that he is actively involved in the parish in Germany and lives his faith there. He is therefore entitled to asylum recognition. fle / mwo