IQWiG sleep problems due to smoke and music?

IQWiG sleep problems due to smoke and music? / Health News

IQWiG: Sleep problems with smoke and music? The Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) points out on the portal that lifestyle habits can disturb sleep.

The Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) points out on the portal that lifestyle habits can disturb sleep.Background of this statement are new figures on the high proportion of sleep disorders in Germany. According to this, nearly 20 percent of the population is now affected by sleep disorders. This means that over the period of one month sufferers have a disturbed sleep more than three times per week.

The measures recommended by the IQWiG are as simple as logical and could be used in the area of Naturopathy to have sprung. Simply physically exhaust during the day and not drink any stimulating substances such as cigarettes, black tea or coffee before bed rest. Before going to bed creating a rest room - that means darkening the room, coming to rest both internally and externally, completing the day and not listening to lukewarm music. Furthermore, it is good to get the organism into a rhythm by always going to sleep at the same time. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy, 04.04.2010)

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