Interval Fasting With this diet trend more effective weight loss?

Interval Fasting With this diet trend more effective weight loss? / Health News
Interval fasting is the new diet trend. The promise: lose weight and improve health without any annoying yo-yo effect. But does phase fasting do what it promises? We'll tell you who's the right one and who's not.


  • How does interval fasting work??
  • Schedule fasting
  • What brings interval fasting?
  • What does the research say??
  • Meaningful or not?
  • Who should do without interval fasting??
  • Swell:

How does interval fasting work??

Intermittent fasting or intermittent fasting works this way: basically, you feed normally, except that you fast in a certain period of time. The most common models are 5: 2 interval fasting and 16: 8 interval fasting.

Live fasting can help with permanent weight optimization. (Image: Drobot Dean /

Schedule fasting

For example, with 5: 2 interval fasting, you eat normally five days a week and then fast for two days. The most intense effect is when the two days follow each other. However, this method is also much harder to get through and requires some getting used to. So you can fast one by one for two days.

In the 16: 8 method, the fasting phase extends to a specific part of the day. You skip food for 16 hours, the rest of the time you eat normally. Theoretically, the sleep phase can also be taken into account for the 16-hour Lent. So if you sleep for about eight hours, then you only have to fast for a total of eight hours. Do you eat a lot in the morning and a lot in the evening? Then attach Lent to the sleep phase. Contrary to popular belief, dinner does not make you fat. The only important thing is the duration of the fat burning phase. But if you are a "breakfast type", then do not eat anything for eight hours before bedtime.

Drink water, tea and unsweetened coffee on the fasting days and in the fasting phase. Some sources even say that one must take meals on the fast days, as long as they do not exceed a total of 500 to 600 calories. In addition, it is best to eat well and balanced outside of the fasting phases. A change in diet is not absolutely necessary.

What brings interval fasting?

The goal of the Intervallfastens is to stimulate the metabolism, to promote the burning of fat and to accustom the body in the long run to smaller portions of food. The stomach shrinks after a certain amount of fasting and you do not need to eat enough to eat. This leads to a reduced calorie intake and weight loss.
Phase fasting is also credited with the following positive health effects:

  1. Favorable influence on an existing diabetes mellitus
  2. Favorable influence on cardiovascular diseases
  3. Better cholesterol levels
  4.  Favorable influence on inflammatory processes

What does the research say??

Currently, there are hardly any meaningful studies on interval fasting. Some of the results are also from animal studies. It is questionable whether the results can be transferred to humans. So, be patient with the health promises!

Meaningful or not?

Interval fasting can help you lose weight, that's proven. However, probably not everyone can influence his weight permanently positive. The prerequisite for a successful facial removal with this technique is that you do not relieve the calories saved in the fasting phase afterwards. All in all, you have to absorb fewer calories than consume - this is the only way the calorie balance remains negative in the end. So, if you only run this type of diet for a few weeks and then fall back into old eating habits, you risk a yo-yo effect.

For obese people, the variant, in which one takes on every other day very little food, probably not better for losing weight than a "normal" diet. Although the blood levels of all participants improved, compared to the normal diet, which uses fewer calories per day, interval fasting was more difficult for many of the participants and was stopped more frequently.
Tip: If you want to try the interval fasting to lose weight, you should at best also deal with how you can then eat healthier and more balanced.

Who should do without interval fasting??

The following groups of people should abstain from interval fasting:

  • Pregnant and lactating women
  • Type 1 diabetics
  • children
  • (Fs)


    Press release of the German Society for Nutrition (DGE): Lightning diets remain without lasting success

    (24.6.2014) Collier, R .: Intermittent fasting: the science of going without. Canadian Medical Association Journal, Vol. 185, Iss. 9, pp. E363-E364 (June 2013)