Internet addiction is often promoted by other mental health problems

Internet addiction is often promoted by other mental health problems / Health News

An internet addiction seldom comes alone

Whether on the smartphone or on the PC, just about everyone does it almost every day. Surfing the Internet has long become commonplace among most people. But there are many people where surfing the internet can become an addiction. The German Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology (DGPPN) explained to the dpa certain behaviors that indicate whether one is affected by Internet addiction. According to DGPPN, internet addiction is often favored by other mental health problems.

As an example, the DGPPN calls depressive people who use the Internet to reduce their perceived loneliness. Even those who experience problems in the job, in the partnership or in the family, to spend more time on the Internet, may be addicted. Certain behaviors, such as constant inner restlessness in Internet abstinence, may indicate an Internet addiction.

Over half a million people in Germany are Internet addicts. Often Internet addiction is associated with other mental health problems. (Image: lassedesignen /

How much internet usage is still normal?

Many people spend a lot of time on the Internet these days, but when does anyone count as addicted? According to DGPPN, this can not be expressed in terms of time, since the Internet is part of everyday life for many working people and also plays a major role in entertainment. Only those who are no longer able to control their use and feel that withdrawal symptoms, such as inner restlessness when not in use, are considered addictive according to the psychiatrists. If you feel you may be affected, you should contact an addiction counseling center.

Teenagers are particularly at risk

According to the drug and addiction report 2016, which was presented by the Federal Drug Commissioner Marlene Mortler, in Germany more than half a million people are online addicts. Another 500,000 people are considered endangered. According to the report, younger people are more at risk than older people. In the age group of 14 to 24 year olds, the chance was about 2.5 times as high to develop an Internet addiction as in the age group up to 64 years. In the group of 14 to 16 year olds the chance is even four times as high. According to Mortler, girls and women tend to get lost in social networks. Guys are focused on computer games. (Fp)