Ginger successful in cancer therapy

Ginger successful in cancer therapy / Health News

Study: Ginger helps cancer patients with nausea


Many cancer patients rely on the stomach-soothing effects of ginger root. Until now, it was unclear how ginger actually works. Scientists have now solved the puzzle: The ingredients of ginger inhibit messengers of the crushing center in the brain.

Many cancer patients suffer from the side effects of chemotherapy: nausea and vomiting. The nausea is triggered by the cytotoxins contained in the chemo-drugs.

These attack especially cells that often divide - primarily cancer cells. But also intestinal cells are constantly renewed and are therefore particularly susceptible to the drugs. The damaged cells release the messenger serotonin. This docks to a receptor on the surface of nerve cells and thus activates the vomiting center in the brain. The result is nausea and vomiting.

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The scientists around PD Dr. Beate Niesler from the Institute of Human Genetics of the University Hospital in Heidelberg found out that the ginger root contains a number of highly effective ingredients. These occupy the serotonin docking sites on the nerve cells. The result: Serotonin can no longer bind. The vomiting center is not activated and the nausea remains. This is how the classic anti-emetic works. (Pm)
