Ginger Taste experience with traditional healing effect

Ginger Taste experience with traditional healing effect / Health News

Ginger with many healing effects

Ginger, traditional spice and medicinal plant of Asia, has conquered the local cuisine in recent years. Its unique lemony-spicy aroma, but also its health-promoting effect make it so popular. Fresh ginger is now ubiquitous in supermarkets, but also available as a spice powder or processed in foods such as teas.

Ginger is the superstar among the slime dissolvers. Not only does it very effectively loosen bladder and bronchial mucus, it also helps relieve digestive pain and contains about 30 antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body. (Image: gitusik /

Ginger is often referred to as a tuber, which botanically is not quite correct. The rootstock of the ginger plant, also called rhizome, is processed. It is covered by a thin, light brown layer, including the bright yellowish flesh. The commercially available ginger rhizomes have grown usually eight to ten months and are mostly from China, in organic quality often from Peru.

Ginger can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks, but it loses its aroma over time, but gains in sharpness. For use in the kitchen, it should be thoroughly washed or skinned from its shell. Depending on the purpose, it is finely diced, cut into thin slices or mitgegart in larger pieces. It is ideal for seasoning Asian foods such as curries or soups. But also infused as a tea or for the flavoring of water, it enjoys great popularity.

However, ginger has a long tradition not only as a spice, but also as a source of health-promoting ingredients: Already Hildegard von Bingen praised the positive effect of ginger on the gastrointestinal tract in the 12th century. In traditional Chinese medicine, ginger is considered a heat donor. Many studies are concerned with the healing power of ginger. So far, it has been proven that certain ingredients can suppress nausea. And also its stimulating effect on the digestion could be proven.

Beneficial is the aromatic sharpness of the ginger always. If you want to test the aroma package, you can also try recipes for pickled ginger or ginger tea. You can also easily grow ginger yourself in the flowerpot - with a little patience and care, you can process your own ginger harvest-fresh. Verena Dorloff, bzfe