Always cure the infection properly

Always cure the infection properly / Health News

After an infectious disease, a lack of recovery can be hazardous to health


Many people do not cure their illnesses properly, although it can be dangerous. They just go back to sports or go to work, although they have not recovered fully. You should not underestimate the risk of an infection. Carryover can have serious consequences, according to HNOnet-NRW. Illnesses could get worse, for example, a bronchitis can cause pneumonia, and a cold causes sinusitis. Therefore, one should stick to the sick leave.

„Cause of delayed colds is usually too little protection. Because then a harmless viral infection can become a bacterial infection“, explains Dr. Uso Walter, CEO of HNOnet-NRW. „If coughing, runny nose and co still occur after the usual eight to ten days, everything points to a delay.“ Dreaded complications are inflammations that can affect many parts of the body: In addition to sinusitis and sinusitis, which are noticeable by pain in the head area or toothache, heart muscle, lung and even meningitis can occur. Bronchitis, which can develop into pneumonia, is characterized by fever and purulent cough. Pneumonia causes chest pain, body aches, fever and chills. Symptoms of myocarditis, on the other hand, are exhaustion after simple exertion, palpitations, and onset of weakness. If left untreated, bacteria can also invade the nasal mucosa, migrate from there to the brain and trigger life-threatening meningitis. Severe headaches and a stiff neck are among the typical symptoms.

Medicines can not replace recovery
With medication alone, an infection can not be cured, they only suppress the symptoms. In addition, it is important not to do any sports besides keeping the sick leave. Physical stress affects the immune system and often worsens the condition, turning a simple cold into a serious illness. In addition to sufficient rest, a supportive naturopathic self-treatment can help alleviate the symptoms. In addition, with smaller changes in lifestyle and diet as well as independently feasible measures for regular physical detoxification can prevent permanently infectious diseases (natural strengthening of the immune system).

If the usual symptoms such as runny nose and coughing still occur after eight to ten days, there is a suspicion of a delayed infection and the patient should consult a doctor in any case. (Sb)

Picture: Sigrid Rossmann