Indian healing Ayurveda

Indian healing Ayurveda / Health News

Ayurveda medicine has recently been taught at the university.
In Frankfurt (Oder), a guest professorship for Ayurveda will be established at the European University Viadrina starting in 2011. The centuries-old Indian healing arts has become increasingly popular in the western world since the 80s and various Ayurvedic techniques are already practiced throughout Germany in numerous wellness facilities as well as in complementary medicine. Generally speaking, Ayurveda deals with all facets of life, as the Munich physician Ulrich Bauhofer and chairman of the German Society for Ayurveda, in conversation with Cornelia Steiner from the Braunschweig newspaper publisher ( reports.

Ayurveda expert in conversation
From the beginning of next year, a chair for Ayurveda at the Institute of Transcultural Health Sciences (IntraG) of the Faculty of Cultural Studies at the European University Viadrina will be established with the financial support of the Indian Government. Ulrich Bauhofer, who is regarded as one of the leading Ayurveda specialists outside of India, provided information about the basics of Ayurveda in an interview, clarified the most common misunderstandings and prejudices and clarified the differences to conventional medicine.

Ayurveda and esotericism?
When asked about a possible connection between esotericism and Ayurveda, the expert emphasized that Ayurveda translates as much as „Knowledge of life“ mean and „Ayurvedic medicine therefore all facets of life“ so that, of course, the mind and the human soul also play an important role or. „our spiritual dimension“. But according to Bauhofer this has nothing to do with esotericism. However, spirituality plays a special role in the ancient healing arts, because „Ayurveda sees man as a body-mind-soul unit“ The term „Ayurveda“ comes from the language Sanskrit. Here is the word for health, „Swasthya“, which in terms of language origin means "to rest in the self"“, explains Bauhofer. This makes it clear that in Ayurvedic medicine, the „Even a human being (...) basically healthy“ is. „When our bodily functions vibrate in balance, we experience ourselves in our midst, tethered to the healthy self that slumbers in every human being“, so the chairman of the German society for Ayurveda.

personal „balance“
What he means by balance, Bauhofer explained as follows: „Our body consists of one hundred billion cells, which are in a complex network of relationships to each other.“ In healthy people, the body functions are in balance and the communication is correct inside, so the expert. „Is it (the communication) disturbed or interrupted, a disease arises.“ However, the road to balance is not quite as easy as one might hope. „With the help of a good doctor and a healthy lifestyle“, this could be achieved explained Bauhofer, „by developing the necessary sensitivity and mindfulness for what benefits us personally and what harms us.“

Often easier said than done, but the ayurvedic therapy and prevention always provide one „holistic strategy that is always personally tailored to the life situation of a person“ a good help to achieve a personal balance, stressed the expert. Besides the use of natural remedies are there „especially (...) nutrition, detoxification, relaxation and exercise“ particularly important. With the help of appropriate measures, an Ayurvedic doctor pays attention to himself „Strengthen all measures in their effect and keep the organism in balance or - in case of illness - restore the inner balance“.

Detoxification and relaxation
Detoxification and relaxation process, „which one can also practice at home, are often neglected, but represent an important pillar for our health“ explained Bauhofer on closer demand. The proceedings „Help to keep the communication channels in the body“. Just as the hard disks of our computers have to be cleaned again and again or a car needs to change the oil regularly, „We also have to take our bodies from time to time purify“, so Bauhofer. In order to "cleanse" the mind, in today's enormous mental stress in everyday life appropriate relaxation phases, deceleration and regeneration are of crucial importance, the expert emphasized. Here offers „the system of yoga, a sister discipline of Ayurveda, (...) for example in Transcendental Meditation highly effective techniques to make our system more resistant to stress“ explained Bauhofer. However, it was not clear to the expert why many people find it so difficult to make their everyday lives healthier. Mostly „old, worn-out habits“ guilty, whereby Ulrich Bauhofer advises „to replace bad, unhealthy habits slowly and in small steps with good (to) ones“. Here should be people „do not make too much“, But starting with small measures that are easy for them, Bauhofer told the .

Mainstream medicine and Ayurveda
Asked about the differences between an Ayurveda doctor and the mainstream medical doctors, Ulrich Bauhofer explained that the „Western medicine (...) is primarily about the disease, for example, high blood pressure, a stomach ulcer or herniated disc“ takes care. On the other hand would „the Ayurveda doctor (...) is always concerned with the person who has the illness and with the imbalance in the organism that causally underlies the illness“ endeavor. In addition, it is important for the Ayurvedic practitioner to see people as possible when they are healthy, stressed the expert. Even if „If the disease has broken out, the Ayurvedic doctor always treats the patient holistically, taking his or her patient's responsibility and making it clear to him that health is not on prescription“.

An approach that many of us would also like from your orthodox medical doctor. Finally, in the course of the question of the suitability of Ayurveda for use in Germany, Bauhofer referred to the fact that Ayurveda made the „Laws according to which life works“ describe - and these principles apply everywhere. „The goal of Ayurveda is a healthy, fulfilled, happy and long life“ the expert explained and asked the counter question: „Do not seek people around the world?“ (fp, 25.10.2010)

Also read:
First guest professor of Ayurveda in Germany
Healthy with the nutritional science of Ayurveda
Indian healing Ayurveda
Picture: Günter Hommes