Eating in peace can prevent flatulence

Eating in peace can prevent flatulence / Health News

What can one do against flatulence? Who eats in peace, prevents unpleasant flatulence.

(13.06.2010) Many people suffer from flatulence, abdominal pain and pressure problems. The most common cause is that many take too little time to eat. Stress in everyday life and working life causes many people to swallow down the food. In addition, many people do not move enough. The result is often bloating and abdominal pain.

But that need not be. Even small behavioral changes can prevent bloating. Those who take their time for eating, chewing slowly, eating a healthy diet and, if possible, do not talk much about eating, can successfully prevent bloating. In addition, it is advisable to drink enough fluid, even during the meal. Because with fast food and many speeches, large amounts of air are swallowed, which then gets into the digestive tract. A walk after the meal additionally helps the digestion. Anyone who also pays attention to eating vegetables and high-fiber foods can not do anything wrong. Furthermore, it is advisable to drink enough liquid, even during the meal.

Helps a digestive liquor in flatulence?
It is not recommended to drink a so-called "digestive schnapps" after eating. A schnapps merely anesthetizes the stomach nerves and thus relieves the "feeling of fullness" only for a short time. However, alcohol affects the digestive tract because the liver now has to break down extra fat.

Flatulence as such is not an indicator of a disease but a completely normal process of the body. Some air that escapes through the anus is completely normal. Even the partially unpleasant odor is quite normal, this is caused by intestinal bacteria that produce sulfur-containing gases. Only if other symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, blood in the stool, constipation, or diarrhea are added, flatulence must be medically clarified. (Sb)

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